

Water, “The Ultimate Commodity”, (*) Has Entered the Stock Market. Poor water!

Entering the stock exchange is the result of a long series of steps. In the beginning there was …. the ‘petrolization’ of water. They announced it, proclaimed it since the 1970s. The “petrolization of water” (1) has driven the way…

The European Citizens’ Initiative for a Basic Income

by Daniel Raventós – Julie Wark There are no precedents that can serve as a reference for Europe’s economic and social situation right now. The 2020 European Commission indicators show a drop of 8.3% for GDP growth, while the OECD…

Ghana and Africa Pay Tribute to Jerry Rawlings

Former Ghanaian President Jerry Rawlings passed away on November 12, 2020. After governing his country between 1981 and 2000, he stepped down after regular elections. His tenure was marked by a ruthless and effective fight against corruption and the rebuilding…

It’s time for Africa: Assessing Russia’s relations with the continent

By Kester Kenn Klomegah A Moscow-based public policy advisor specializing in Russia, the Eurasian Union and Africa explains some of the aspects of current Russia-African relations, problems and challenges, as well as its future perspectives. While over the past two…

The profile of South African entrepreneurs surviving against unbelievably heavy odds

South Africa is battling one of the highest unemployment rates worldwide. A concentrated number of unemployed people live in marginalised and under-resourced communities, where the estimated unemployment rate is 60%. Entrepreneurship is proposed by a number of socioeconomic researchers working…

Intellectual Property Monopolies Block Vaccine Access

By Anis Chowdhury and Jomo Kwame Sundaram Just before the World Health Assembly (WHA), an 18 May open letter by world leaders and experts urged governments to ensure that all COVID-19 vaccines, treatments and tests are patent-free, fairly distributed and available to all, free of…

Amid Mounting Progressive Pressure, Congressional Leaders Reportedly Planning to Include Direct Payments in Relief Package

“I will not vote for a Covid package that doesn’t include survival payments and unemployment relief for the American people. It’s a red line,” said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. By Jake Johnson Congressional leaders are reportedly planning to include another round…

Australia-China Spat: It’s More Than Just Trade

Viewpoint by Kalinga Seneviratne A one-sided trade war has been gathering momentum between China and Australia, ever since Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison called for an “independent” international investigation of the origins of Covid-19, which infuriated China. China is Australia’s…

European and Western Sanctions Push Russia to Africa

By Kester Kenn Klomegah On November 23, Russian Senators, Academicians, Researchers and Experts gathered to discuss the export of non-commodities to Africa at the interactive webinar, organized by Federation Council of Russia, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia, and…

Argentina seeks wealth tax: millionaires have to pay one third of the Corona crisis costs

By Philipp Stadler. In Argentina, the super-rich will have to pay for the costs of the Covid-19 crisis. The center-left government of the South American country decided in Novemeber 2020 on a new wealth tax for large fortunes over two…

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