

The transnational plunder of Chilean copper

The study, “New estimates of the wealth given away to large private copper mining companies: Chile 2005-2015”, addressed the economic rent obtained by the 10 largest mining companies in Chile. Using official World Bank (WB) data for the period 2005-2014…

Haiti, San Martin and the odious foreign debt

The colonising logic of the centres of conditioning capital, from the very beginning, sought to take over Latin America, dominating it in different ways, according to their interests, beyond the principles that were proclaimed and the freedom that was promised.…

Who Would Benefit from Russia Going to War with Ukraine?

29 January 2022 (openDemocracy)* — As the Ukraine crisis evolves, the military machinery on both sides gears up for combat, with Russia moving troops and equipment towards Ukraine and NATO sending reinforcements to Eastern Europe. Each side persists with its propaganda,…

Poverty: ignominy of humanity

In order to overcome poverty, it is necessary for all humanists in the world to unite. Since the origin of the humanist parties inspired by the current of thought of New Humanism or Universalist Humanism, also known as the Humanist…

The ten “truths” of Argentina’s agreement with the IMF: the Fund’s own version?

Without much shame, the government published “The 10 truths of the agreement with the Fund”, which gives the impression that it was written by the expert communicators of the International Monetary Fund itself, with a lot of experience in disguising…

Russian Policy Failing Africa’s Sustainable Development

Zimbabwe’s Ambassador to Russia, Brigadier General (rtd) Nicholas Mike Sango, who has been in his post since July 2015, was one of the African envoys to attend a special meeting with Russian legislators to exchange views on common problems, common issues…

Universal Basic Income, video with Juana Pérez

In the context of the first international virtual meeting of our agency Pressenza this year, Spanish journalist Juana Pérez commented on the issue that we have given editorial priority to in all nine languages we work with, Universal Basic Income.…

The Geopolitics Behind Spiraling Gas and Electricity Prices in Europe

Markets do not solve the problem of energy pricing. What is required is planning and long-term investments in infrastructure. By Prabir Purkayastha The current crisis of spiraling gas prices in Europe, coupled with a cold snap in the region, highlights…

Global Wealth Inequality is Fueling the Pandemic and Killing Millions

Oxfam reported this week that the world’s ten richest men saw their wealth double during the pandemic – from $700 billion to $1.5 trillion–while the incomes of 99% of the world’s population dropped. “Widening economic, gender, and racial inequalities—as well…

What “freedom” are you talking about?

Source: Laura Arroyo Gárate. News One day freedom said to the law: ‘You are in my way’. The law replied to freedom: ‘I keep you’. (Pythagoras) There is a common thread that links cases that seem distant but are…

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