

‘Theft’ of foreign assets becoming ‘habit’ for West – Lavrov

Russia’s foreign minister has slammed the top EU diplomat’s idea of seizing Russian government reserves Seizing Russia’s foreign-exchange reserves would be nothing short of “theft,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday. Such an idea was recently floated by the EU’s…

General Dynamics shuts out critics, “radical skeptics”

On May 4th, General Dynamics held its annual shareholder meeting. This meeting took place virtually, possibly in response to last year when shareholders were able to directly engage with the General Dynamics Board and ask how they justify the destruction…

Defending worker cooperatives

Worker cooperatives have succeeded in recovering factories and companies and in undertaking many valuable projects that dignify men and women through work in solidarity. However, on occasions, justice does not accompany the effort. By Dr. Miguel Julio Rodríguez Villafañe Work…

How to Divest. In the Town of Wall Street, Applaud the NYC Comptroller Brad Lander, the NYC Council and Amalgamated Bank.

In recent years we have full out launched into another nuclear arms race, without discussion of facts nor citizen input. By far, we have put forth the largest outlay in history for our Pentagon budget. Instead of using the wisdom…

On wages, universal and unconditional basic income and Buen Vivir: there is much to think about and do!

In a capitalist society, wage controversy is a difficult obstacle to overcome. And in a capitalist society like Brazil’s, this controversy easily becomes even more complex. Wage differentials often appear as an expression of inequalities, concealing their economic nature. Thus,…

Why Are Humans Fighting Other Humans when We Are Facing Extinction as a Species?

For critical thinkers, the cascading consequences of the Ukraine war are redundant proofs of what they already knew before the war: there are no solutions to humanity´s principal problems inside the framework of the basic legal and ethical structures of…

Bridgestone and Huawei: the power of workers

On 11 February this year, the 1550 workers of the Japanese multinational Bridgestone in Argentina received the first half of last year’s “profit sharing” bonus. They will receive about $6,000 each when they receive the second payment on 11 May.…

The dollar devours the euro

By Michael Hudson It is now clear that today’s escalation of the New Cold War was planned more than a year ago, with serious strategy associated with the US plan to block Nord Stream 2 as part of its aim…

NATO’s internal gold war: Brexit negotiations still inconclusive

Brexitology has largely focused on the UK’s fish, but has completely ignored the EU’s gigantic gold reserves, supposedly still held in safe custody at the Bank of England. To make matters worse, a no-deal divorce between the UK and the…

What caused Sri Lanka’s disaster?

If I say Facebook did it, people would wonder if I have developed some mental illness. If I say IMF and World Bank did it, economics buffs would cringe, because they were not even in the picture, at least directly.…

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