

Bring Back the Guptas to Face Charges in South Africa

South Africa and United Arab Emirates have to set a good precedent now. United Arab Emirates has to cooperate and help South Africa to fight deep-seated corruption. Collaborative and mighty efforts, such as tracking down and bringing to justice, the…

There Are Better Ways for Societies to Address Inflation Than by Hiking Interest Rates

A deafening silence defines “debates” among U.S. leaders about stopping or slowing today’s inflation. Alternatives to the Federal Reserve’s raising of interest rates and curtailing money supply growth are ignored. It’s as if there were no other ways to rein…

Concern in the US over infant milk shortages

For a few days now there has been nothing else to talk about in the United States. The shortage of baby milk has become a serious problem that worries many families, because the survival of their babies depends on it.…

The brevity of life

What the statistics don’t show: the lasting effects of extreme poverty. Latin America is a rich continent. We know this when the media show us the prosperity of the most powerful and the cunningly legalised way in which they appropriate…

Beyond Money

Is it possible to imagine a world without money? Anitra Nelson, in her recent book, “Beyond Money: A Post Capitalist Strategy”, not only envisions that world but also gives it concrete shape, laying the ideological foundation of a post-money society…

Working shorter hours: 38 companies in the USA are testing the 4-day week

After success stories from Iceland and news about the large-scale field trial in Great Britain, a pilot project on the 4-day week is now starting in the USA. 38 companies are testing the 4-day week while the results are being…

Greece: Energy companies must give up 90 percent of their extra profits to cover electricity costs for citizens

Energy and power companies are among the biggest beneficiaries of the current crisis. Bills are skyrocketing for the population, while energy suppliers are making billions in profits. In Greece, energy companies must now pay 90 percent of their excessive crisis…

Why African Elites Need Honorary Medals for Corruption

Without a doubt, Africa’s political history has indeed documented that power collapses, absolute power collapses absolutely. The worst scenario is political power fraught with deep-seated corruption, lack of transparency, and lack of public accountability. This has been the case, over…

India’s paradox: 47°C in April and burning coal

The country, which was coming off its warmest March in more than a century, has faced the hottest April temperatures on record while 70 per cent of its electricity is generated by the dirtiest source: coal. By Pablo Rivas/El Salto…

Interview with Marcelo Castillo, spokesperson of the Coordinating Committee for the renationalization of Copper and Big Mining in Chile

We interviewed Marcelo Castillo Duvauchelle in his capacity as spokesperson for the Coordinadora por la Renacionalización del Cobre y la Gran Minería, as we were interested to know what he thinks of the deliberations that have taken place regarding the…

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