

Shock and hope: Millions of young people protesting on the streets of Brazil

Over the last two weeks millions of Brazilians have been protesting in the streets.  Up to now, more than one hundred cities, from the north to the south of the country, in the capitals and in the interior are seeing…

What’s the world coming to? Brazilians demand cancellation of the Word Cup

In England a well known saying states that ‘football is not a life and death issue, it’s much more important than that’. But it is Brazil where football has taken a status akin to a religion. So, for Brazilians to…

Latin America: New coalition of countries to take on the multinationals

By Martin Khor* | IDN-InDepth NewsReport Leaders of several Latin American countries have set up a new coalition to coordinate actions to face the growing number of international legal suits being taken against governments by transnational companies. A ministerial meeting…

Presentation to the Global Media Forum about new alternative economic forms

By David Andersson Gift economies could be very potent and effective organizing tools for creating value. We have many examples of gift economies in our world today, such as community gardens or free/open software, where no money is paid for…

Pitfalls and Perils of Politicized Food Insecurity

“With food and hunger being basic human issues, there is an urgent need to extensively work at grass root levels like neighborhood and community-based support projects that would help in achieving a hunger free and sustainable world in a short…

Dr. Vandana Shiva: a 1% rule has never lasted it must be 100% participation

As the keynote speaker on the final day of the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum, Dr. Vandana Shiva[1], an Indian environmental activist and anti-globalisation campaigner spoke about the values required for a new economic model that respects the planet and…

“A path to a Just World – people reviving Democracy”. Comments on Noam Chomsky’s speech

In his fascinating and lucid 1h 20min speech to an audience of 2,500 people in the plenary hall on the first day of the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum, Chomsky touched on many subjects, among them: the alternative model of…

The Universal Human Nation as the only future that opens possibilities

Presentation by Dr. Guillermo Sullings, Argentine economist and author of the book Beyond Capitalism, Mixed Economics Panel: “Turning a crisis into an opportunity: Humanising the Economy“, at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum, Organised by Pressenza, International Press Agency ”We…

Roberto Blueh: Humanizing private enterprise

Mr. Blueh was one of the Speakers at the Pressenza Workshop of the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum,. Here we publish his words: “We thank Pressenza news agency for inviting us to participate in this Global Media Forum “The Future…

The G8 Summit, lemmings and ostriches

Neither ostriches bury their heads in the sand nor lemmings commit mass suicide, these are popular myths now disproven. But humans do both and nothing like the G8 Summit to exemplify such behaviours. As usual, the G8 will gather shortly…

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