

Protestors call for a new economic model to stop violence against overseas Filipino workers

Overseas Filipino Workers are esteemed as modern-day heroes in the Philippines as they contribute greatly to the country’s economy, sacrificing years away from their families with the hope of providing a comfortable life. But not everyone is fortunate enough to…

Bangladesh’s other generosity to Sri Lanka: A friend in need is a friend indeed

During an economic crisis on a scale not seen before, events in Sri Lanka over the past YEAR have taken a dramatic turn. For many overseas Sri Lankans in particular, including me, it has led to months of uncertainty and…

The Rise of the South: Can BRICS Weaken the Dominance of the IMF and World Bank?

Who would have expected that the BRICS nations could rise as the potential rival of the G7 countries, the World Bank and the IMF combined? But that once seemingly distant possibility now has real prospects which could change the political…

A New Leader’s Big Banking Opportunity to Improve Global Development

Will the New Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement be able to fulfill their original mission with the arrival of the new bank president Dilma Rousseff? By Marco Fernandes The first event of President Lula da Silva’s long-awaited visit…

Let the banks burn

The banking crisis is different this time. In fact, it is worse than in 2007-08. Back then, we could blame the sequential collapse of banks on wholesale fraud, widespread predatory lending, collusion between rating agencies and bankers suspected of selling…

Why is Japan edging closer to Bangladesh and India in the region?

Bangladesh, Japan, and India will hold a meeting in Tripura on 11-12 April to put in place connectivity initiatives to harness the commercial potential of the region. By Fumiko Yamada Asian Confluence, a think tank based out of North East India, in…

The World Bank and the BRICS Bank Have New Leaders and Different Outlooks

In late February 2023, U.S. President Joe Biden announced that the United States had placed the nomination of Ajay Banga to be the next head of the World Bank, established in 1944. There will be no other official candidates for this job…

Why we will be proposing an Unconditional and Universal Basic Income

One of the most controversial aspects when talking about Universal and Unconditional Basic Income is its universality. Many people, even from progressive ideologies, do not agree that wealthy people should receive the Unconditional Basic Income. EUREKA By UNIVERSALITY we mean…

Latin American and Caribbean countries unite to counter inflation

The governments of ten Latin American and Caribbean countries will meet on Wednesday to discuss the best ways to jointly counter the scourge to their populations of the inflationary wave sweeping the world. The meeting is convened by Mexican President…

RBC official refuses to let Indigenous delegates, including Wet’suwet’en Hereditary leadership representatives into AGM in Saskatoon

Today at the annual general meeting (AGM) in Saskatoon RBC’s attempt to divide and threaten with arrest and physical violence the Indigenous delegation – who all have received necessary proxies – and shut out Wet’suwet’en Hereditary leadership is further confirmation…

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