

Resistance to the EU/US Free Trade Agreement? Latin America did it

With the title “How the EU is making NHS privatisation permanent” The New Statesman further analyses the effects of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) launched in June at the G8 meeting, in particular with reference to the looming…

The lies behind this transatlantic trade deal

Plans to create an EU-US single market will allow corporations to sue governments using secretive panels, bypassing courts and parliaments George Monbiot The Guardian, Monday 2 December 2013 Panic spreads through the European commission like ferrets in a rabbit warren.…

South African Legislators Reject European Measure on Citrus

Pretoria, Dec 1 (Prensa Latina) The Committee for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of National Assembly of South Africa highlighted that the European ban on South African citrus represents a threat to the domestic economy. In a press release issued by…

Spain’s housing activists scale up squatter movement

Ter Garcia and Diego Sanz Paratcha November 18, 2013   What makes a movement turn into a landlord? Over the past two years in Catalonia, Spain, more than 700 people have made empty houses owned by banks their new homes…

US/EU Free Trade Agreement: more pain, and more corporate gain

Introduction to International Trade Agreements By Linda Kaucher for Critical Thinking Linda Kaucher has been researching international trading agreements for over ten years and has put together a comprehensive introduction to the development of these agreements, who benefits and who pays the…

Little vultures and the Occupy crusade that both helps and educates

We have all heard by now of Vulture Funds, those that buy cheaply poor countries’ debt, eg, from the IMF or the World Bank, and then pursue the debtor though international courts to force it to pay back in full.…

Letter: to Her Majesty The Queen about Britain’s tax havens

Her Majesty The Queen Buckingham Palace London SW1A 1AA 5th November 2013 Madam [Your Royal Highness, Ed.], I write as director of the global Tax Justice Network and as former Economic Adviser to the States of Jersey. On 7th November the Tax…

It’s France’s turn. Again: Who the hell are Standard and Poor!?

A couple of years ago I published an Article in Pressenza about Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs). In the week that Standard and Poor decided to downgrade France it is worth repeating what was said then, because nothing has changed (for…

Remember Remember the 5th of November…

Anti-austerity events were organised by different groups in London in front of Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square and Parliament square and Westminster bridge, to coincide with similar actions in many countries around the world. In the UK it was bonfire night,…

Food Stamps and Food Banks: austeritiy’s new “Special Relationship”

Democracy Now! [US]”Food Stamp Recipients Face “Hunger Cliff” as Deep Cuts Take Effect The more than 47 million people who receive food stamps in the United States will see a decrease in their aid beginning today as a temporary boost…

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