

Crises swamping developing economies

By Martin Khor* | IDN-InDepth NewsAnalysis   GENEVA (IDN) – Several developing countries are now being engulfed in new economic crises as their currency and stock markets are experiencing sharp falls, and the end is not yet in sight. The…

The Transatlantic Colossus

[Now available online] ‘The Transatlantic Colossus: Global Contributions to Broaden the Debate on the EU-US Free Trade Agreement’ (2014), a publication from the Berlin Forum on Global Politics in collaboration with the Internet & Society Collaboratory and of the Bertelsmann Stiftung. The free…

Exposed: How the UK government has colluded with the UK finance sector against legislation to curb food speculation

In cahoots Link to the World Development Movement research published by Critical Thinking Published on Sunday, 26 January 2014 12:48 Defined as: colluding or conspiring together secretly, “in cahoots” exactly describes the unholy alliance between the UK government and the City…

Rafael Correa: “This is a humanist model but with the feet firmly on the ground”

By Nelsy Lizarazo for Pressenza Ecuador – President Correa Press Conference. With these words, President Rafael Correa responded to today’s question by Pressenza IPA during the press conference held with members of the foreign press. The question revolved around the…

Inequality at Davos

Published on Thursday, 23 January 2014 00:39 by Critical Thinking The World Economic Forum at Davos this week is discussing inequality. NBC News declared: “With the global economy slowly getting back on its feet, 2,500 delegates gathered in Davos, Switzerland…

Austerity Generates Gigantic Costs

By Jutta Wolf | IDN-InDepth News Analysis BERLIN (IDN) – Austerity policies in several countries around the world are denying work to millions of people and leaving vast production opportunities unused, says a new study by the German-based World Future…

The City, the banks and the EU – all in it together

By Tom Lines for New Internationalist. Reproduced with permission. A few times a year – we don’t know exactly how often – 52 people meet in a room in London. We think they meet in the Guildhall. While most ordinary…

NAFTA at 20: Lori Wallach on U.S. Job Losses, Record Income Inequality, Mass Displacement in Mexico

Pressenza Note – The US is in the process of signing Free Trade Agreements: Trans Pacific and with the EU. Both have been highlighted as disasters waiting to happen in [9terms of the potential to increase inequalities, destroy local economies,…

Blackouts in Argentina Highlight Failings of Privatisation

By Fabiana Frayssinet for IPS BUENOS AIRES, Jan 10 2014 (IPS) – Record temperatures at the start of the southern hemisphere summer in Argentina have been accompanied by highs on the thermometer of social discontent, as consumption peaks left thousands without electricity and…

JPMorgan Pays $2.6 Billion Fine to Avoid Criminal Charges in Madoff Case

The financial giant JPMorgan Chase will pay $2.6 billion to settle allegations it failed to disclose suspicions of fraud in what turned out to be a massive Ponzi scheme by Bernie Madoff. Senior executives at JPMorgan Chase had serious doubts…

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