

Argentina Gets More Support in Litigation over Vulture Funds

Buenos Aires, Mar 25 (Prensa Latina) Argentina got more support before the deadline set by the U.S. Supreme Court, where it filed an appeal against a New York judge”s ruling favoring vulture funds that might have unpredictable consequences. On Monday,…

Brazilian Innovation for Under-financed Mozambican Agriculture

By Amos Zacarias for IPS MAPUTO, Mar 12 2014 (IPS) – Some of the technological excellence that revolutionised Brazil’s tropical agriculture is reaching small producers in Mozambique. But it is not enough to compensate for the underfinancing of the sector.…

Give and take in the EU-US trade deal? Sure. We give, the corporations take

“I have three challenges for the architects of a proposed transatlantic trade deal. If they reject them, they reject democracy By George Monbiot for The Guardian Nothing threatens democracy as much as corporate power. Nowhere do corporations operate with greater…

A Matter of Life and Death

By Martin Khor for IPS News Martin Khor, executive director of the South Centre, warns that negotiations on the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement are a matter of life and death. GENEVA, Mar 9 2014 (IPS) – If you or some…

Bangladesh: Monopolizing the Economy

Bangladesh’s economy is characterized by a market economy where decisions regarding investment, production, distribution and consumption are based on supply and demand – apparently! In this system, prices of goods and services are mostly determined in a free price system;…

Business as usual for UK bankers

[divide] “The bosses of Britain’s biggest banks are on course to be awarded millions of pounds in share payments to circumvent a Brussels-imposed bonus cap – a move that risks inflaming the toxic row over City pay deals. “The new…

Big Oil and Bad Air: Report Exposes Link Between Fracking and Toxic Air Emissions in Texas

By Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzales. See Democracy Now! for video interview Residents who live near areas of oil and natural gas fracking have long complained that the industry has poisoned their water with toxic chemicals. Now a new investigation…

Free Trade not so Free after all

By Julio Godoy* | IDN-InDepth NewsAnalysis BARCELONA (IDN) – International negotiations on so-called “free trade agreements” have always had something surreptitious about them. In the late 1990s, the industrialised countries represented at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)…

New film on what the Robin Hood Tax could do

“BILL NIGHY, ANDREW LINCOLN AND MORE IN OUR NEW FILM ON WHAT A ROBIN HOOD (FINANCIAL TRANSACTION) TAX COULD MEAN FOR EUROPE The year is 2024. Europe has had a Robin Hood Tax for ten years and have been using…

EU/US “Free” Trade Agreement and the UK National Health Service

Report from NHS/TTIP [Transatlantic Trade and Investment] meeting 3rd Feb 2014 at Unite building organised by StopTTIP [Notes compiled by Linda Kaucher] A meeting attended by about 80 people and Chaired by Melanie Strickland was convened to highlight what the…

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