

Still not loving ISDS: 10 reasons to oppose investors’ super-rights in EU trade deals

By the Corporate Europe Observatory, April 16th 2014 At the end of March, the European Commission launched a public consultation over its plan to enshrine far-reaching rights for foreign investors in the EU-US trade deal currently being negotiated. In the…

The Commons: People power beyond the state

The activist and author David Bollier tells Deutsche Welle why what he calls the Commons will change the way we live our lives and our system of politics. DW: Can you define in a nutshell what you mean by the…

Is India on a Totalitarian Path? Arundhati Roy on Corporatism, Nationalism and World’s Largest Vote

By Amy Goodman for Democracy Now! As voting begins in India in the largest elections the world has ever seen, we spend the hour with Indian novelist and essayist Arundhati Roy. Nearly 815 million Indians are eligible to vote, and…

Loved to Death

By embracing their critics and colonising governments, corporations engineer a world of conformity and consumerism. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 8th April 2014 How do you engineer a bland, depoliticised world, a consensus built around consumption and endless…

First major conference to discuss Unconditional Basic Income at the European Union

Unconditional Basic Income Europe is happy to invite you to its first major conference in Brussels, on April 10th 2014. Press release of Unconditional Basic Income Europe Organisation Politicians and major European organisations working in the fields of health, poverty,…

Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand Is at Our Throats

By John Scales Avery* – TRANSCEND Media Service – As everyone knows, Adam Smith invented the theory that individual self-interest is, and ought to be, the main motivating force of human economic activity, and that, in effect, it serves the wider…

Rewriting history

Published by Critical Thinking on Friday, 28 March 2014 In wars, there are generally two sides and it is commonly understood that history is written by the victors but most people are ignorant of the role of banking dynasties in…

The Rich Complain That We Do Not Love Them

F. Scott Fitzgerald famously said “The rich are different from you or me”, yet in his days, in the early years of the 20th century, the rich were not subject to public scrutiny, and were generally an object of envy,…

Spanish Organizations Denounce Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement

Madrid, Mar 27 (Prensa Latina) Spanish social and union organizations condemned today trade negotiations between the European Union and the United States to sign the Transatlantic Free Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). A letter presented at the head office of…

The Decline of the Middle Class

By Roberto Savio San Salvador, Bahamas, March 2014 — It is now generally accepted that the North-South divide created at the end of the colonial era and the coalition of New Countries against the powerful North of the world ended…

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