

The European Commission’s great TTIP betrayal

By Glyn Moody When the European Commission was laying the foundations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – TTIP, also known as TAFTA by analogy with NAFTA – it was doubtless hoping that the public would ignore it, just…

They Know Full Well It Is Dangerous, But They Have Little Other Choice

Despite knowing full well the dangers of mercury, millions of small-scale gold miners across the globe continue to use the metal to separate gold from ore – usually because they have little other choice.* The mercury is mixed into ore…

‘No way out for Greece while the same policies of austerity are implemented’

By Russia Today* (RT), 20 July 2014 – Greece has become a social experiment for the implementation of the most extreme neo-liberalism aimed at not contaminating the eurozone during the first period of the crisis, with the same policies being followed now,…

UK: On TTIP and the NHS, they are trying to bamboozle us

By John Hilary 14 July 2014, for Open Democracy The TTIP trade treaty talks re-open in Brussels this week. We should not be reassured by the convenient ‘leak’ of a private letter between key TTIP advocates claiming the treaty poses…

EU: A union for big banks

Published by the Corporate Europe Observatory in January 2014 We reproduce here the Conclusions of this exhaustive study into the new EU “Banking Union”. The original can be read here Though the banking union is an ambitious project, it is…

Argentina Deplores Announcement on Vulture Funds

Buenos Aires, Jul 16 (Prensa Latina) The Argentine Government deplored today a paid announcement on the vulture funds published by the Clarin and La Nacion newspapers asserting that the country undergoes a technical suspension of payments. Jorge Capitanich, Chief of…

Half the World Is Under 25, and Half of Those Employed Are “Stuck in Low-wage, Dead-end jobs”

Half the world is under 25 years of age – nearly 90 per cent of them in developing countries, according to UN figures. However, half of those employed from the group are either unemployed or in UN secretary general Ban…

Problems Inspire Ingenious Solutions in Peruvian Amazon Town

By Milagros Salazar JEPELACIO, Peru, Jul 2 2014 (IPS) – He may look like a rapper, but 33-year-old José Antonio Bardález is the mayor of Jepelacio, in the Peruvian Amazon. His ingenious innovations in the municipality include transforming waste management…

Telefonica-Movistar: a united fight against exploitation

The tentacles of Spain’s Telefonica Movistar spread far and wide. I refer not only to the interests of their shareholders, such as banks BBVA and La Caixa, or close links with political power, and their “representatives” on the board, but…

Equatorial Guinea: African Union Discusses Creation of African Monetary Fund

Malabo, Jun 27 (Prensa Latina) A project to create an African Monetary Fund is among the proposals being presented by regional leaders attending the 23rd Summit of the African Union (AU), which concludes its sessions in Equatorial Guinea”s capital today.…

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