

The human being as the central value: a Latin-American prescription for Europe

The obstinacy of stock-market gurus and their prescriptions for the economic health of different countries are contradicted by the efficacy of the treatment in their populations. The illness of hunger, endemic now for a long time, unemployment, housing instability and…

Greece refuses to recognise the hated troika any longer

The new Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis announced today that the government would not be dealing any more with appointed delegates of the “troika” (the IMF, the European Central Bank and the European Commission) who are seen as responsible for…

What ‘austerity’ has done to Greek healthcare

This week a number of mayor hospitals in the UK have refused to sign this year’s budget offered by the Government on the grounds that the draconian cuts will indeed put the lives of patients at risk. Nothing more opportune,…

Spain court charges 78 bank officials for misusing credit cards

A Spanish court has charged 78 senior bank officials for misusing credit cards for their personal use. On Wednesday, Jude Fernando Andreu of Spain’s National Court charged the former bosses, executives, and board members of the country’s two renowned banks,…

World Tourism Tops 1.1 Billion in 2014

Human Wrongs Watch The number of international tourists reached 1.13 billion in 201, 4, 51 million more than in 2013, on trend for the fifth consecutive year of above average growth since the 2009 economic crisis, the United Nations World…

I am sure that a new India will arise from within us

New Delhi, India: Sudhir Gandotra, active member of New Universalistic Humanism in New Delhi, spoke out about his beloved India yesterday: “For the 66th year in a row, with more than 60% of the farming population under serious stress, which…

Good news: the Stop TTIP a campaign marches on

THE SELF-ORGANISED EUROPEAN CITIZENS’ INITIATIVE AGAINST TTIP AND CETA has reached over 1,200,000 signatures. You can see the interactive map with signatures by country HERE In spite of having very little press and apparently a very low profile as far as…

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

Contribution by Dave Anderson MP in Debate on TTIP, 15 January 2015 3.10pm Mr David Anderson (Blaydon [on-Tyne, UK]) (Lab): I support fair trade, but properly regulated trade. Countries that trade are less likely to end up fighting each other.…

The Trans-Pacific Trade (TPP) Agreement Must Be Defeated

by US Sen. Bernie Sanders – Reader Supported News Via Transcend Media Service 03 January 15 – The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a disastrous trade agreement designed to protect the interests of the largest multi-national corporations at the expense of workers,…

‘Stop Deadly Banana Disease, Protect a $36 Billion Industry and Source of Income, Food to 400 Million People’

Human Wrongs Watch Without global efforts to respond to a fungal disease affecting banana production, the $36 billion global industry, which provides a source of income or food to some 400 million people around the world, is under threat, according…

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