

Greece: Capitalism Has Devolved Into Looting

…when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you–when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice–you may know…

Participatory Guarantee Systems for certification of organic products

While third-party certification systems for organic products are doing an excellent job at what they were designed for and have vastly increased the global market and awareness of organic products, Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) offer a complementary, low-cost, locally-based system…

Greek referendum: “The economy isn’t just a matter for experts”

Interview by Domenico Musella and Anna Polo.  The Greek translation of this article appears after the English version. Greece is permanently in the spotlight at the moment and the hashtag #greferendum is trending. We will go deeper into the issue…

Can a Pope start a positive domino? The Eco-Eco initiative

What are the biggest worries of the present times? For many it is Climate Change, for many others it is inequality and economic violence. For everybody it is physical violence. The unspeakable violence unleashed in the Middle East boomeranging back…

Greece to hold national referendum on debt deal – PM

The Greek PM has announced a national referendum on July 5 on the conditions of the debt deal with international creditors. It’s up to the Greek people, Tsipras said, to make a fateful decision on the country’s sovereignty, independence and…

Bangladesh: freelancing as number one job for young people

Rapidly, because of outsourcing, freelancing is becoming a most popular and favoured profession for the young people of Bangladesh. Especially, search engine optimization (SEO), Web design and building, also Photoshop skills exercising is also popular along with content provision and…

Skivers and strivers: this 200–year–old myth won’t die

By George Monbiot for The Guardian Vilification of the unemployed, by the government and the media, has a long and shameful heritage – expect the fallacy that welfare creates poverty to persist Kindness is cruelty; cruelty is kindness: this is…

UK: NoTTIP block amongst 250,000 people at anti-austerity march

By #noTTIP #noTTIP campaigners join in the People’s Assembly march on June 20 – and warn that TTIP means permanent austerity June 20 2015 saw the biggest set of protest marches in recent years take place in Glasgow, Liverpool, Bristol,…

The Delphi Declaration

The Delphi Conference on the European/Russian crisis created by Washington (my address to the conference is here: ) issued a declaration repudiating the EU attack on the Greek nation. By Paul Craig Roberts The Delphi Declaration asks the European…

Greek debt ‘illegal, illegitimate and odious’

The BBC reports that “A committee convened by the Greek parliament has claimed much of the country’s debt of 320bn euros was illegally contracted and should not be paid.” “The concept of odious debt is established in international law where…

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