

#Greferendum: Thank you people of Greece!

The people of Greece say NO to the troika’s proposals in the referendum. The democratic system and the hope in the future of Europe emerge strengthened.

Greek Referendum: the possibility to stop being slaves

Foreign debt is the mechanism used to enslave countries and steal their wealth, through some local “supervisors”, let’s call them governors. In reality, with little energy spent buying, removing and putting in place supervisors, they have controlled the population of…

Debt and militarism: the Greek tragedy Europe prefers to keep quiet about

A particularly insightful opinion piece by Giles Fraser [1] for the Guardian reminds us that “In the 1980s, for example, the Greeks spent an average of 6.2% of their GDP on defence compared with a European average of 2.9%. In…

People of Berlin send a loud OXI to Athens

On the evening of Friday 3rd July, thousands of people gathered in Berlin for a demonstration under the slogan “Nein! Oxi! No! to austerity – Yes to Democracy!”. Organized by Blockupy Berlin, a broad section of the population and followers…

IMF admits Greece needs debt relief

By the Jubilee Debt Campaign Greece’s debt crisis is coming to a head. On Sunday, Greeks will vote on whether to accept the further round of austerity ‘offered’ by the institutions last Friday – a deal which would bind Greece…

TTIP strikes back: new Euro Parliament vote on ISDS “lite”

Going to Worlk from the TUC [UK’s Trades Union Congress] is campaigning for a rejection of the revised Investor-state dispute settlement, or ISDS tribunals in the Free Trade Agreement between the EU and the US. “The vote is back on…

Towards the #Greferendum: The eyes of the world are on us

As the days count down to the 5th of July and the Greek referendum on whether to accept Europe’s demands for more austerity, which looks increasingly like a referendum on whether to stay in the Euro or leave it, our…

‘Journey towards bold climate action is at a critical moment’

Human Wrongs Watch Development cannot be sustainable if it does not address the challenge of climate change, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on 29 June 2015 told Member States as he opened a High-Level Event on Climate Change convened in…

On what basis should Greeks vote yes or no on Sunday?

There is endless commentary in the media about which way Greeks should vote to avoid an apocalypse. Some say Greeks should continue to accept the conditions required by the IMF, the European Central Bank and the European Commission. Others say…

Forcing regime change in Greece: the Troika v. Democracy

We reproduce here some views from Podemos and Nobel Laureate in Economics Joseph Stiglitz In view of the situation in Greece, and following the breakdown in the negotiations by the Eurogroup, Podemos wishes to communicate the following: 1.- Last Monday,…

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