

Illegal, Illegitimate, Odious and Unsustainable Debt

Executive Summary of the report from the Truth Committee on Public Debt of the Greek Parliament. In June 2015 Greece stands at a crossroad of choosing between furthering the failed macroeconomic adjustment programmes imposed by the creditors or making a…

Worker Cooperatives vs. Traditional Hierarchical Organizations

From Rcooley123 blog (September 7, 2014 entry) Worker cooperatives, where the workers are also owners of a company, may be an effective way to counter the trend towards large, multinational corporations which have resulted in the enormous degree of economic…

Greece’s geopolitics

Located in the Eastern Mediterranean and facing three continents, Greece, the weak link of the European Union (EU) and NATO, has strange relationships with Russia, China, Iran, Israel and Egypt. Simultaneously it is the bottleneck in migration issues, and contributes…

Reflections from Greece: In 72 hours

Even if you take my head, I am going to fly anyway!* (Greek translation below) I really can’t say how many expectations we charged this referendum with. And why shouldn’t we have? It was the first time in 41 years…

For Greece’s sake let’s hope Grexit is approaching.

“A week is a long time in politics” said former UK Prime Minister Harold Wilson in the 1960s and, never was it truer than this week! Last Sunday the majority of Greeks were feeling proud and ecstatic that they had…

Lifting sanctions contributes much to prosperity of average Iranians

Iran Review’s Exclusive Interview with Scilla Elworthy By: Kourosh Ziabari On the final day of the Global Media Forum 2015 and while I had only a couple of hours to pack my luggage and depart from Bonn to Frankfurt and…

Parisians march to promote the virtue of sharing

On 7 June, 2015, a group of friends organized the first March for Sharing in Paris. The gathering was at 14 pm at Place de la Republique. The procession departed at 15 h 30. The emphasis was on the economy…

TTIP, BDS and the illegal settlements

Not much has been said about the way the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the US and the EU) will affect BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanction) campaign against Israel. In fact when Obama signed the Trade Promotion Authority…

21st Century Glass-Steagall Act

Warren, McCain float bill again to rebuild wall between commercial and investment banking Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), John McCain (R-AZ), Maria Cantwell (D-WA), and Angus King (I-ME) on Tuesday (07/07/2015) re-introduced the 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act, a modern version of…

Economist Richard Wolff on Roots of Greek Crisis, Debt Relief & Rise of Anti-Capitalism in Europe

As Greek voters reject further budget cuts and tax hikes in exchange for a rescue package from European creditors, who is to blame for the debt crisis embroiling Greece? Is Germany trying to crush Greece to set an example? Will…

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