

Iran’s invisible opportunity

Amory B. Lovins, a physicist and ex-Oxford don, is co-founder and chief scientist of the USA’s Rocky Mountain Institute, an independent, entrepreneurial, nonprofit think-and-do institution. Lovins has written a worthy if rather long article titled: “Iran’s invisible opportunity”, here we…

European citizens self-survey

Euro-Survey will take place from the 1st to the 17th of October and will be promoted by EuroMarches2015 This citizens’ initiative consists of doing an opinion survey of European citizens during EuroMarches2015[1], in all European languages, about the 5 central…

Why we must end upward pre-distributions to the rich

You often hear inequality has widened because globalization and technological change have made most people less competitive, while making the best educated more competitive. From the blog of ROBERT B. REICH There’s some truth to this. The tasks most people used…

Will TTIP get terminated? Negotiations falter as Europe balks

As EU-US trade talks flounder, France doesn’t rule out ‘an outright termination of negotiations’ by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer for Common Dreams While public opposition to the TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)—the massive proposed “trade” deal between the European…

Disaster Capitalism: outsourcing violence and exploitation

In his just-released book, Disaster Capitalism: Making a Killing out of Catastrophe, Antony Loewenstein offers us a superb description of the diminishing power of national governments and international organisations to exercise power in the modern world as multinational corporations consolidate…

Uruguay shows the way by leaving secret Trade Deal

A strong coalition of trade unions, environmentalists and farmers working together on an effective public campaign were able to take on the interests of the world’s biggest companies and win. by Viviana Barreto, Sam Cossar-Gilbert for CommonDreams Last week the…

Argentina Scores another Point in Litigation against Vulture Funds

Buenos Aires, Sep 17 (Prensa Latina) After the approval at the UN of principles on restructuring debts, Argentina scored another point with a favorable ruling by the Court of Appeals of New York in the litigation with vulture funds. That…

Call for a break from Austerity Europe

CALL FOR A BREAK FROM AUSTERITY EUROPE Five prominent Europeans have called for a break with austerity Europe and adoption of a new “Plan A” and “Plan B.” The five areJean-Luc Mélenchon, Member of the European Parliament, co-founder of the…

European Citizens’ Initiative against TTIP

NoTTIP Campaign Newsletter Dear Friends While Europe is divided in the face of the migration crisis, our European movement against TTIP and CETA is constantly drawing closer together and growing in strength. 2.78 million people have already signed our European…

Miss Hong Kong: “No place to sleep, how can you dream?”

That’s correct, but the issue here was not the refugees from the Middle East and Africa, it was young people in Hong Kong and the speaker, newly voted into the role of Miss Hong Kong of 2015, Louisa Mak Ming-sze. Her…

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