

Petition in support of the right to call for a boycott of Israeli goods in France

Petition in support of the right to call for a boycott of Israeli goods in France The criminal division of the Court of Cassation, France’s highest appeals court, issued a decision last October, affirming that the call to boycott Israeli…

Ultra-rich ‘Philanthrocapitalist’ class undermining global Democracy: report

As foundations and wealthy individuals funnel money into global development, what “solutions” are they pursuing? by Sarah Lazare, staff writer for Common Dreams From Warren Buffett to Bill Gates, it is no secret that the ultra-rich philanthropist class has an…

New extreme in inequality crisis as 62 people own as much as poorest half

Oxfam report finds that global one percent of wealth holders now own more than the rest of the world combined. By Lauren McCauley, staff writer for Common Dreams It’s official. The global one percent of wealth holders now own more…

Hooray… Iran’s Nuclear Sanctions Lifted

Iran’s Nuclear Sanctions Lifted SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 2016 Sanctions imposed on Iran over its nuclear program are lifted following confirmation of Tehran’s commitment to​ the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action by the International Atomic Energy Agency.  European Union foreign policy…

A Plan B for Europe

“Society has now started to work towards a radical change in the policies of the EU. There are many proposals on the table that could do away with austerity,” says the Plan. Hundreds of activists, politicians and intellectuals have signed…

De-dollarization accelerates: Iran-Russia “New Trade Agreements” to drop US dollar

The threat of war against Iran is not just about its natural resources, strategic control and supposedly to protect Israel, it is also about the US dollar being used for its oil trades. Iran is moving forward to replace US…

United Methodist Church declares five largest Israeli banks off limits for investment

Dear reader, We learned this morning that the United Methodist Church’s Board of Pensions declared the five largest Israeli banks off limits for investment and has divested from the two that it held in its portfolios, due to their deep…

Over 1,000 Fake Life Jackets Found in Raid on Turkish Workshop Staffed with Syrian Children

Source: RT Human Wrongs Watch 7 January 2016 (RT)* – Turkey’s black market economy is benefiting from the mass influx of Syrian refugees into the country, with a recent raid on life jacket manufacturing facility revealing the exploitation of a child workforce…

As Saudi Arabia executes Sheikh al-Nimr, will U.S. respond by cutting $50 billion in weapons sales?

After Saudi Arabia executed Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr on Saturday along with 46 others, protesters in the Iranian capital of Tehran responded by torching part of the Saudi Embassy. On Sunday, Saudi Arabia responded by severing ties with Iran.…

The corporate-friendly trade deals threatening ordinary people in 2016

2016 is the year to put ‘the interests of communities and the environment before the interests of multinational corporations’ by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer for Common Dreams Corporate media failed to cover the dangers of business-friendly trade deals in 2015,…

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