

European groups expose ‘Terrifying extent of corporate grab’ within TTIP

‘The ability to enact effective and fair tax systems to finance vital public services is one of the defining features of sovereignty,’ says Global Justice Now—one that is threatened by corporate trade deals. by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer for Common…

VIDEO Reports: Varoufakis and Horvat launch Democracy in Europe Movement 2025

Press Conference The Democracy in Europe Movement 25 initiated by Yanis Varoufakis, former finance minister of Greece, and Srecko Horvat, philosopher & author, was launched with a press conference at Volksbühne in Berlin. To provide an accurate account of the…

Appeal for Children

Human Wrongs Watch UNICEF is launching a US$2.8 billion appeal to reach 43 million children in humanitarian emergencies, of which the largest portion, 25 per cent, targets educating children in emergencies.*  Every year, the lives of millions of children and…

Interview with Yanis Varoufakis: How The Greek People’s Magnificent “No” Became “Yes”

In this interview with Yanis Varoufakis hosted by the Real News Network and translated by acTVism Munich, Yanis Varoufakis talks about his time as the finance minister of Greece and the launch of his new movement called Democracy in Europe…

VIDEO: Yanis Varoufakis – The Origins of the European & Global Economic Crisis

In this video, acTVism Munich interviews Yanis Varoufakis, a world renowned economist who was a former member of the Greek parliament. He gained immense popularity when he served as finance minister (27 January 2015 – 6 July 2015) for the Greek…

Congress in Seoul on Basic Income

Deadline for proposals for the 2016 BIEN Congress extended to Feb. 29 January 29, 2016 Andre Coelho Event, News, News & events The deadline for the call for  proposals for the 16th BIEN Congress has been extended to Monday, February…

Capitalism will eat Democracy – unless we speak up

By Yanis Veroufakis for TED Democracy. In the West, we make a colossal mistake taking it for granted. We see democracy not as the most fragile of flowers that it really is, but we see it as part of our…

Who profits from the refugee crisis?

By Arnie Alpert, Truthout | News Analysis – Monday, 11 January 2016 Wars and persecution have driven the number of refugees to record-breaking highs worldwide, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees reported in June 2015. Currently 59.5 million…

WEF 2016: Robot dances for basic income

With its world premier taking place in Davos: The first non-human participant attended the World Economic Forum. “Dancing robot” advertised for an Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) as a solution for the challenges of the 4th industrial revolution. Switzerland will be…

Wars, speculation and new economic models

We reported in Pressenza, in 2011 and 2014 the role that Saddam Hussein’s Oil-for-Euros may have played in the Iraq War, similar to Gaddafi’s Gold Dinar: “Attempting to understand what is happening in Libya without looking at the global crisis…

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