

DiEM25 takes European institutions to task on transparency

DiEM25 breaks ground in Italy with its first Assembly to promote its ‘Transparency in Europe Now!’ campaign – a “prerequisite to Europe’s democratisation” DiEM25, the Democracy in Europe Movement, inaugurated on the 9th of February in Berlin, will hold its…

Yunus as nonviolent revolutionary activist

Worldwide, Microcredit is associated with the name of charismatic Muhammad Yunus, 2006 Nobel Peace laureate together with Bangladesh’s Grameen Bank: “for their efforts to create economic and social development from below… Lasting peace cannot be achieved if large populations cannot…

Join the March for No Jobs!

By Occupy London The goal of the future is full unemployment’ – Arthur C. Clarke On Saturday April 16, join Radical Assembly in marching for a future without work. Technology is removing jobs at an incredible pace, from factories, supermarkets,…

The Vulture

How billionaire Rubio backer Paul Singer made billions off Argentina debt crisis Argentina has reached an agreement to pay U.S. hedge funds that have sought for 14 years to profit off the country’s debt. The hedge funds bought up Argentina’s…

The US v. India’s solar panels: a preview of TTP, TTIP, CETA, TISA, etc.

The United States has blocked India’s efforts to boost local production of solar cells and solar modules, which would have brought energy to millions of people in dire need of it, by denouncing it to the World Trade Organisation claiming…

The Financial system is a larger threat than terrorism

by PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS for Counterpunch In the 21st century Americans have been distracted by the hyper-expensive “war on terror.” Trillions of dollars have been added to the taxpayers’ burden and many billions of dollars in profits to the military/security…

Hold-out deal in Argentina makes solving debt crises more difficult, UN rights experts say

By Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky and Alfred de Zayas for ALAI In the context of the Argentinean Congress discussing the implications of a proposed agreement between Argentina and hedge funds, the Independent Expert on the effects of foreign debt on human…

Argentina thrown to the vultures

In June 2015 the Jubilee Debt Campaign explained: ‘Argentina’s economy is being held to ransom by a small handful of very wealthy speculators – so-called ‘vulture funds’. ‘A New York court has awarded two US vulture funds a $1.3 billion…

Varoufakis in London joins Compass panel

What is the future of Europe? In a panel conference organised by Compass (Think tank created in 2003 to discuss the left wing agenda) at the LSE (London School of Economics) Yanis Varoufakis, Academic, economist and former Syriza Finance Minister…

Africa Launches Largest Trading Block with 620 Million Consumers

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* 22 February 2016 (IPS) – More than 1,500 public and private business delegates and state leaders agreed on 20-21 February in Egypt to mobilize massive investments for the implementation of Africa’s largest trading bloc…

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