

Is the end of Western financial dominance in Africa on the horizon or will the history of Libya repeat itself?

Countries across Africa recently took a major step towards economic independence from the West by launching an insurance system that will allow them to conduct inter-state trade without the involvement of the US dollar or other Western currencies. This could…

Do we still have to look at employment as the focus of our lives?

Eureka’s position on the proposals for social equality of some political parties, in the context of the general election of 23/07/2023 In the campaign for the general elections of 23 July 2023, the “universal inheritance” is being raised in the…

Carbon farming: agriculture that helps the environment (and humans)

The global agricultural sector is grappling with the first, but already devastating, effects of the climate crisis. Recent events affecting Italian agriculture represent a perfect as well as tragic example of this. Prolonged periods of drought followed by destructive floods,…

“Democracia Viva”: The fault lies with the pig and those who give it the bran

The organisers of “Democracia Viva”, members of Revolución Democrática (RD) committed a grave sin in their attempt to take advantage of state funds for political or personal gain. This is corruption and is unacceptable for those who ethically and politically…

Why More Upstream Care Ethics Are Badly Needed

The time has come for ethics of care. In the plural. Reverberating through revivals of venerable old spiritual caring traditions. Reverberating through adoptions of benevolent new innovative caring practices. My story starts in Sweden in the late 1980s. A young…

Huenchumilla presents project for indigenous peoples to participate in lithium exploitation

“The idea is that these same groups, who have been isolated from this development strategy and have even been affected by the extractive processes, go from being marginalised to being protagonists,” said the DC senator. By Carolina Ceballos Francisco Huenchumilla,…

China’s Belt and Road: ten years of shared success

In recent years, China’s Belt and Road project has captured global attention as an ambitious initiative that seeks to promote economic connectivity and international cooperation. Also known as the New Silk Road, this project aims to revive ancient trade routes…

African Women Seek to Boost Innovation and Creativity in Agribusiness

Adeline Umukunzi, a 28-year-old mushroom farmer from Musanze, a district about 100 kilometres north of the capital, Kigali, is convinced that women have often been the invisible faces of agribusiness in Rwanda. By Aimable Twahirwa “Women have always played a…

Patio, a global network of technology cooperatives

This July 1st the cooperative movement celebrates the International Day of Cooperatives. This year’s theme is “Cooperatives: partners for accelerated sustainable development” and its celebration will mark the 101st anniversary of the resolution of the Executive Committee of the International…

Constituent Process: Modatima warns that the Expert Commission proposal maintains water privatisation model

The environmental and territorial organisation described this situation as “alarming and contradictory” to the contents of the human right to water, and called for support for a popular initiative for a norm they have introduced, called “Water for Life”. By…

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