

Thousands rally in Hannover against TTIP trade deal before Obama’s visit

Thousands of protesters have come out onto the streets of Hannover to say ‘No’ to the controversial TTIP US-EU trade deal. Many in Germany fear it will reduce consumer protection and undermine workers’ protection. While the Transatlantic Trade and Investment…

WWF-HK bottom feeding on a consumer society ridden with guilt

NGOs such as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) are cashing in on poverty. They extract bad news from the never ending flow of it beamed from all media and offer that with little imagination added to so many who feel…

Soros spreading mis-information on China, why?

Is it worth reporting, as such as Bloomberg does, on comments made by billionaire investor (read speculator) George Soros who is saying China’s March credit-growth figures should be viewed as a warning sign? Soros was speaking at an Asia Society…

Panama papers: a haven for financial speculation

Recently, the amount of money that hidden in tax havens has come to light through the “Panama Papers”.  This money has been invested through “offshore” companies, a reference to the fact that the majority of these places are island countries. …

Basic Income: Voting for Freedom

This coming June 5th Switzerland is holding a constitutional referendum on whether to implement basic income policy. Swiss entrepreneur Daniel Häni and German author Philip Kovce have written a book to accompany the referendum. This book is now available in…

The Panama scandal

By Peter Dombi; cross-posted from Our Broken System on Occupy London This week we have been rocked by the Tax Avoidance scandal coming out of Panama, after a whistle-blower leaked more than 11 million documents from the law-firm Mossack Fonseca.…

Neoliberalism – the ideology at the root of all our problems

Financial meltdown, environmental disaster and even the rise of Donald Trump – neoliberalism has played its part in them all. Why has the left failed to come up with an alternative? By George Monbiot for The Guardian Book review Imagine if…

Confessions of a Panama Papers hit man

By John Perkins* for Common Dreams. The Panama Papers should be no surprise. I was there in the 1970s, when the system they’ve exposed was set in motion. As an Economic Hit Man (an EHM), I helped forge this global…

The two worlds of precious metals: East and West

For five thousand years, gold and silver have been humanity’s premier form of money; real money, not the faux-money manufactured by our central banks. During that same period of time, these metals have been our premier instruments of wealth preservation and…

Saving Capitalism or Getting Rid of It?

What kind of change socialists should be fighting for? Danny Katch, author of Socialism… Seriously: A Brief Guide to Human Liberation, makes some proposals in his review of a book from a different part of the left: Saving Capitalism: For…

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