

To Overthrow a Government With Beer: Trumpism in Latin America

by MARIA PAEZ VICTOR   Yet another multibillionaire wants to run a country: Lorenzo Mendoza. He is a member of one of the most rich and powerful families of Venezuela and is positioning himself to be president – not by…

The ugly truth behind the Greek bailout

Out of the 220 billion euros disbursed to Greece as loans from the bailout mechanism, some 95% has been directed toward saving the European banks. Christine Lagarde, the Queen of Troika and the Head Honcho of the IMF, on May…

300 economists tell world leaders tax havens ‘serve no useful economic purpose’

Thomas Piketty, Angus Deaton, Jeffrey Sachs and Nora Lustig join call for more tax transparency. by Oxfam UK. More than 300 leading economists from 30 countries have today written to world leaders warning there is no economic justification for allowing…

The bailouts were for the Banks

Study confirms rescue loans didn’t serve Greeks ‘The only reason why they effected this so-called bailout of Greece was to save their own banks and to present this as solidarity with Greece’ by Andrea Germanos, staff writer For Common Dreams…

Panama Papers: Source calls for prosecutions of lawyers and protection for whistleblowers

The source behind the biggest leak of private information in history, the Panama Papers, has communicated for the first time since the first stories were published in the world’s media.  Claiming to be unconnected to governments or security agencies, the…

Pro-Corporate TTIP on the ropes as top French officials lambaste ‘Bad Deal’

At this stage, France says ‘No,’” says president François Hollande” by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer for Common Dreams The corporate-influenced TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), exposed earlier this week as “an enormous corporate power grab,” looks increasingly precarious. French…

TTIP—American Economic Imperialism

Greenpeace has done that part of the world whose representatives are so corrupt or so stupid as to sign on to the Trans-Pacific and Trans-Atlantic “partnerships” a great service. Greenpeace secured and leaked the secret TTIP documents that Washington and…

Did Chile recover its democracy?

Anne Kass As many US citizens as possible should travel to, read about or otherwise educate themselves about Chile.  It is a country that was decimated by a right-wing, neo-liberal “government” albeit not an elected government.  Pinochet took control via…

Turning a death economy into a life economy

Interview by Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. – My interview with bestseller author JOHN PERKINS. We have just translated an article about Panama Papers into German. ProMosaik is convinced that economists and writers like John Perkins have a lot to say…

Neo-liberalism at Work

Anne Kass When she had just retired after being a judge in a Family Court for 18 years, the Albuquerque Rotary Club invited her to give a speech which words are still very accurate: “Thank you for inviting me today.…

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