

IMF Admits Neoliberalism a Failure

Instead of delivering growth, neoliberal policies of austerity and lowered regulation for capital movement have in fact increased inequality. This inequality might itself undercut growth… Policymakers should be more open to redistribution…   Last week a research wing of the…

Eco-Crime Hits Record High at up to 258 Billion Dollars

Human Wrongs Watch “Eco-crime hits record high at up to $258 billion, outstripping the illegal trade in small arms, as international criminal gangs and militant groups profit from the plunder of Earth’s resources.”* Nairobi, 4 June 2016 – The value…

OECD is latest economic bigwig to question austerity’s “loop of doom”

By not increasing spending, ‘we are breaking promises to young people and old people,’ says OECD economist by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer for Common Dreams Less than a week after the International Monetary Fund (IMF) expressed reservations about neoliberal policies…

Even the IMF—the IMF!—turns on neoliberalism

New paper by three IMF economists finds that policies of capital account liberalization and austerity fuel inequality, which in turn hurts growth—”the very thing that the neoliberal agenda is intent on  boosting.” by Andrea Germanos, staff writer for Common Dreams…

Day of Actions against CETA in London

By Inka, NoTTIP TEXT AND IMAGES PROVIDED BY TIM FLITCROFT Monday May 16th saw Day of Actions Against CETA by anti TTIP activists who joined allies from across Atlantic to kickstart the campaign in the centre of London. Our message:…

Yanis Varoufakis talks about Privatization, Human Rights & Capitalism

In this interview with the former finance minister of Greece and founder of DiEM25 (Democracy in Europe Movement 2025), Yanis Varoufakis, a host of issues are discussed which  include privatization, human rights, media, his experience with the EU and capitalism’s…

Young People – The Model doesn’t fit any more

By Mary Bolinbroke for Occupy London We live in a society that has spent many decades establishing a culture of pressures and materialistic milestones to push our kids into their future. Democracy built around corporations has neatly set up guidelines…

Pakistan Corruption: not Panama Leaks but Pajama Leaks

Corruption, kickbacks, percentages, black money, white money, scandals, commissions, accountability, non-transparency, good governance, bad governance, off-shore companies etc., are routinely used key words in daily newspapers and on TV talk shows. Sometime, it is disgusting. Even vomiting can’t satisfy the…

Greenpeace climbers climb one of the Kio Towers Madrid to say no to TTIP

PRESS RELEASE    ACTION! ACTION! ACTION! ACTION! Greenpeace climbers climb one of the Kio Towers Madrid to say no to TTIP • Activists are climbed one of the towers known as the ‘Gateway to Europe’ to alert the treaty that…

Why set up a shell company in Panama?

Why Set Up a Shell Company in Panama? The Psychology Driving Illicit Financial Flows Robert J. Burrowes A previously little-known law firm called Mossack Fonseca, based in Panama, has recently been exposed as one of the world’s major creators of…

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