

Yanis Varoufakis on the European Constitution, Economic Disintegration and Orwellianism

In this video the former finance minister of Greece and founder of DiEM25 (Democracy in Europe Movement 2025), Yanis Varoufakis, provides us insights into why the European constitution does not represent European cititzens and lacks democratic substance. He also talks…

The Great Seed Piracy

Human Wrongs Watch By Prof. Vandana Shiva – Asian Age Besides taking control of the seeds of farmers in CGIAR seed banks, Bill Gates (along with the Rockefeller Foundation) is investing heavily in collecting seeds from across the world and…

Mongolia election win puts poverty on the breadline

Mongolia’s political opposition took control of parliament in a landslide vote where the Mongolian People’s Party (MPP) got 65 of 76 seats after vowing to boost the economy in this once pastoral land but recently discovered haven of mineral-rich deposits.…

Asia – Climate Change Taking Toll on Food Security

Human Wrongs Watch By Graham J. Dwyer* MANILA, 21 June 2016 (IPS) – Asia’s economic growth over the last decade has been relentless, bringing with it a rising population and an influx of people from the countryside to the cities…

What If Turkey Drops Its “Human Bomb” on Europe?

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* ROME, 19 June 2016 (IPS) – Will the rapid–though silent escalation of political tensions between the European Union and Turkey, which has been taking a dangerous turn over the last few weeks, push Ankara…

Trade in Small Arms Worth 5.8 Billion Dollars and Growing

Human Wrongs Watch Germany, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands are the most transparent top and major small arms exporters, a new report backed by the United Nations has found. The Small Arms Survey’s Trade Update: Transfers and Transparency, which…

John Oliver v. Medical debt vultures

We know vulture funds, those that buy bad debt from bankrupt countries for pennies and then pursue them through international courts to recover the full amount making obscene profits and damaging any possibility of economic recovery for the countries in…

Despite ‘moral angst’ about inequality, world’s richest just keep getting richer

‘Unless companies rein in executive salaries, pay their fair share of taxes, and invest in decent jobs the yawning gap between the haves and have-nots will continue to grow’ By Nika Knight, staff writer for Common Dreams At a moment when…

The Poverty Dilemma: Hunger or Malaria?

In these weeks most Tanzanian mothers receive mosquito nets meant to protect their children from Malaria. Such a ritual is repeated every year in every poor country, at the height of the rainy season when Malaria claims the majority of…

Labour Party UK considering Universal Basic Income

John McDonnell, the shadow chancellor, has declared his Party’s interest in studying UBI as a response to the mechanisation of the workforce. Under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn there is no doubt a search for more humanising economic models is…

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