

Growing protest against TTIP and CETA trade agreements in Germany

Various trade unions and other groups have called for protests against the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) across Germany on September 17. A trade agreement with Canada has also come under attack. An alliance consisting of various public organizations…

Sanders condemns obscene levels of inequality documented in new CBO report

‘Unacceptable’ wealth inequality keeps growing in the U.S., with the top 10 percent of families owning three-quarters of total wealth by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer for Common Dreams Yet another report, this one from the U.S. Congressional Budget Office (CBO),…

Japan Shows the Way to Good Life with Little Growth

Viewpoint by Jonathan Power LUND, Sweden (IDN-INPS) – The announcement was made on August 15 by Japan’s Finance Ministry: In the last quarter of the year the Japanese economy grew at an annualised rate of 0.2%. “One wonders if the…

Money, Economy, Economics

By Johan Galtung* Money is the key: that genius innovation for storing general value and exchanging specific values according to price.  Not strange, that heads of state had their faces imprinted on coins and bills. But not on cents and…

A Duke dies, an anachronistic system lives on

The Duke of Westminster has died at the age of 64 a few days ago. It was widely reported in the Media, obviously, one of the richest men in the UK, a member of the aristocracy, as close to the…

Ecuador’s Correa: it’s neoliberalism, not socialism that has failed

Leftist leader says growth “that favors the poor, growth with social justice, growth with equity,” worthy of pursuit byAndrea Germanos, staff writer for Common Dreams Ecuadoran president Rafael Correa on Sunday denounced “fantasies of trickle-down theories” and said that it’s neoliberalism,…

Britain faces prospect of post-Brexit recession

Britons across different industries are already feeling the effects of the Brexit vote. The construction sector has been hit particularly hard. Workers have been laid off. Samira Shackle reports from London. In the run up to Britain’s referendum on membership…

The problem with Europe is the euro

by Joseph Stiglitz* In this extract from his new book, the Nobel prize-winning economist argues that if the euro is not radically rethought, Europe could be condemned to decades of broken dreams Europe, the source of the Enlightenment, the birthplace…

Russia’s weakness is its economic policy

According to various reports, the Russian government is reconsidering the neoliberal policy that has served Russia so badly since the collapse of the Soviet Union.  If Russia had adopted an intelligent economic policy, Russia’s economy would be far ahead of…

African Farmers Can Feed the World, If Only…

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* ROME, 8 August 2016 (IPS) – Can African farmers feed the world?. Apparently the answer is “yes.” Bold as it may sound, this statement is based on specific facts: Africa is home to 60-65…

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