

EU trade ministers postpone decision on CETA

The European Union decided to postpone its final decision on the CETA free trade agreement with Canada. A number of member states, chiefly Belgium and Romania, had earlier expressed concerns about CETA. EU trade ministers in Luxembourg failed to agree…

Trump, Clinton, Obama and the TPP

By Jomo Kwame Sundaram Jomo Kwame Sundaram was United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development and received the Wassily Leontief Prize for Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought in 2007. KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 13 2016 (IPS) – The Trans-Pacific Partnership…

Apple, Brussels, and Ireland’s Bruised Sovereignty

By Yanis Varoufakis Despite their unequivocal Europeanism, the Irish have been serially mistreated by the European Union. When Irish voters rejected the Treaty of Lisbon in 2008, the EU forced them to vote again until they delivered the “right” outcome.…

Preface to the South Korean edition of Basic Income: The Material Conditions of Freedom

Daniel Raventós This book, now translated into Korean was first published in English (Pluto Press) and Spanish (El Viejo Topo) in 2007, just before the onset of the present grave economic crisis. A Czech edition was published in 2014 (Rubato).…

Iceland, where bad bankers go to jail, finds nine guilty in historic case

Since its 2008 crisis, Iceland has received recognition for its strategy of prosecuting executives, letting banks go bust, and focusing on social welfare. by Nadia Prupis, staff writer for Common Dreams Iceland, which became a gold standard for corporate accountability…

A workshop on the Universal Basic Income in Berlin

During the World Congress of the International Peace Bureau in Berlin between September 30th and October 3rd, a workshop on the Universal Basic Income (UBI) took place.  The workshop was coordinated by Juana Perez and Angel Bravo, from the Spanish…

Bolivia’s External Debt is Only 19 percent of GDP

La Paz, Sep 25 (Prensa Latina) At the end of last July the balance of the Bolivian public debt medium- and long-term reached six thousand 811 million dollars, which represents only 19 percent of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP ).…

VIDEO: Stop TTIP and CETA – Demonstrations in Germany

Video and picture report On the 17th of September 2016, a coalition of 33 activist networks organized nationwide demonstrations across Germany under the banner “STOP CETA & TTIP” that were aimed against so called transnational free trade agreements such as…

Tens of thousands in seven german cities on the streets against TTIP and CETA

Tens of thousands of demonstrators – the organisers speak of a total of 320,000 while the police talks about roughly half that number – today protested in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt, Leipzig and Stuttgart against the free trade agreements…

People key to Ecuador’s Sustainable Development Goals

Viewpoint by Nelsy Lizarazo, for InDepthNews. I visited to San Pablo 15 years ago and it was clearly the poorest neighbourhood of Portoviejo, the regional capital of Manabí Province. Then, there was no drinking water. Families could not even imagine…

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