

Degrowth – is it time for a new kind of economics?

With the planet reaching its biophysical limits on what it can provide us, a growing number of economists and environmentalists say we need to switch focus from economic growth to human and ecological wellbeing. At the Cyclonomia bike kitchen in…

Ernst Wolff: IMF, Greece, Activism and Mainstream Media

In this video acTVism Munich continues to interview journalist and author Ernst Wolff. Wolff’s latest book is called “Pillaging the World: The History and Politics of the IMF” which is also available in German and Arabic. This video series aims…

Germany suggests ‘Marshall Plan for Africa’ to solve refugee crisis

Developed countries should provide a massive economic boost to African nations to create jobs and slow the flow of refugees into Europe, says Germany’s development minister. It comes as the EU-Turkey deal to curb the migrant influx seems on the…

The Chicago Boys

By Anne Kass I can’t help but think of our trip to Chile last year where we learned that Milton Friedman and his Chicago Boys helped Pinochet sack the Chilean Social Security System which was similar to ours–employer and employee…

Jeremy Corbyn: we need a transparent, accountable Brexit

There is nothing more unpatriotic than not paying taxes, and we have spent too long allowing good employers to be undercut by those refusing to play by the rules. Yesterday, I addressed Class – the Centre for Labour and Social…

Inequality as Policy

Globalisation and technology are usually presented as natural and inevitable. In fact their course, insofar as they have led to greater inequality, this has been the result of conscious policy choices. It is much easier to have an economic system that produces more…

Venezuela, the place where death is not a Halloween costume…

…but something that can be found everywhere – in an unnatural way – all year around. By Irene Halford In the usual narrative of a horror movie: you are not safe anywhere as sooner or later Death will find you,…

Big Pharma preps to spend hundreds of millions to keep drug prices high

“PhRMA’s decision to hike membership dues 50 percent will increase the trade group’s considerable coffers to more than $300 million per year,” Politico reports. by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer for Common Dreams Facing an increasingly outraged public, the leading Big…

Belgian Socialist Region Threatens to Block Major EU-Canada Trade Deal

A major trade deal between the European Union and Canada appears to be on the brink of collapse, after Belgium announced it would not sign the treaty amid massive local opposition in three regions of Belgium. The Comprehensive Economic and…

CETA threatens the rule of law

Press Release EU law experts: investor privileges in TTIP/CETA threaten rule of law 17/10/2016 101 professors of law from 24 European countries have signed a joint statement asking European decision makers to exclude controversial legal instruments from TTIP and CETA.…

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