

US Trade Hawks and the China Bogey

By Jomo Kwame Sundaram* New US President Donald Trump has long insisted that its major trading partners having been taking advantage of it. Changing these trade terms and conditions will thus be top priority for his administration, and central to…

Oxfam: Eight men own the wealth of half the world’s population

In a report published today to coincide with the Davos meeting of the world’s elite in the Swiss skiing resort, it was revealed that 8 men: Bill Gates (USA, Microsoft), Amancio Ortega (Spain, Inditex fashion group), Warren Buffett (USA, Berkshire…

Poor Darwin – Robots, Not Nature, Now Make the Selection

By Baher Kamal When British naturalist Charles Darwin published in 1859 his theory of evolution in his work On the Origin of Species, he most likely did not expect that robots, not nature, would someday be in charge of the…

Bitcoin becomes best-performing currency 2016

The virtual currency has continued its breathtaking rise surging past $1,000, after already winning the crown of the best-performing currency in 2016 by more than doubling its value in the course of the year. Bitcoin was trading at a value…

Finland to test ‘universal basic income’ for the unemployed

A group of 2,000 unemployed people in Finland will receive a basic income every month from the state, tax-free and with no strings attached. Proponents hope to prove such schemes boost people’s motivation to find work. Starting in January, 2,000…

Dijsselscrooge: Greece attacked for paying Christmas bonuses to pensioners

Jeroen Dijsselbloem’s salary as the Netherlands’ Finance Minister is over €170,000 p.a. This is more than 212 times as much as the best off of those Greek pensioners whom he is determined to deprive of their Christmas bonuses.  by Steve McGiffen…

Italian referendum: NO to the dictatorship of finance!

What do Brexit, Trump, and “NO” in the Italian referendum have in common? Simple: all three repudiate  omnivorous global finance! The very finance that sadistically destroyed Greece according to the precept “punish one to educate a hundred”. By ravaging Greece beyond all rational…

The State of the World Right Now: A View

By Johan Galtung “View” meaning not only a glimpse from above, but a position taken on the world on which the US electorate is now dumping Donald Trump. That world is today basically multi-polar, maybe with 8 poles: Anglo-America, Latin…

Movie night in Berlin: Debt is the money of the rich

In the heart of Neukölln-Berlin, in B-Lage, DiEM25 Berlin presented the film “Who is Saving Whom? – Crisis as a business model at the expense of democracy and social security”. Although the screening room was crowded and crammed with 80…

China takes the driver’s seat on free trade

Two months before the inauguration of Donald Trump as the next US President and the likely end of the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade deal, signs emerge that the Asia-Pacific region is turning towards a Plan B. During his presidential campaign,…

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