

Spain must make fighting racism and xenophobia a priority – UN expert

Spanish authorities must show leadership in the fight against racism and xenophobia in the country, an independent United Nations expert said today, adding that, against a backdrop of pervasive unemployment, the Government must ensure vulnerable groups such as immigrants are…

UN rights chief praises groundbreaking report on violence against women in India

A new report proposing ways to tackle violence against women in India represents a groundbreaking basis for action, the United Nations human rights chief said today, urging the Government to follow through with its recommendations. The report was produced by…

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

“We remember the past to ensure it is not repeated in the future – thinking about the horrible suffering of the victims of the Holocaust and their families reminds us that every day we must work to end anti-Gypsyism and…

Thousands demonstrate in Greece against racism

Demonstrators met in Omonia Square in Athens to protest against discrimination, bearing banners with slogans such as, “Neo Nazis out” and “Justice for the fascist murderers of Shezad Luqman,” a murdered immigrant. Two men, one aged 25 and a fireman,…

UNESCO recognizes Brazilian friar’s contribution to social justice in Latin America and Caribbean

The United Nations has recognized a Brazilian Dominican friar, Frei Betto, with a leading international prize for his “exceptional contribution” to building a universal culture of peace, social justice and human rights in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Director-General…

Trans Activist, Lawyer, Professor: Tamara Adrián Hernández

Tamara Adrián Hernández is a transsexual activist living in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela. However, what actually makes her stand out is her career as a professor in a faculty of law and as an active lawyer. She is a…

On International Human Solidarity Day, Ban Ki-moon says unity key to reaching goals

20 December – Marking International Human Solidarity Day, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today highlighted the benefits of inclusive cooperation, saying that strides made in reducing poverty and advancing democratic freedoms in recent years were proving that point. “We can reach our…

Ukraine: Investigate Attacks on Peaceful Protest

The Ukrainian government should condemn homophobic speech and attacks on a peaceful protest in Kiev on December 8, 2012, Human Rights Watch said today. The rally by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) and human rights groups commemorated Human Rights…

Germany Grapples with Diversity

By Francesca Dziadek With a persistent undercurrent of discrimination against foreigners, ‘Gastarbeiter’ (guest workers) and citizens of colour, despite the fact that 20 percent of its population – roughly 16 million residents – are from an immigrant background, Germany is faced with the…

Building More Democratic Families in Argentina

By Marcela Valente A wide-ranging reform of Argentina’s civil code is looking to replace traditional concepts of parental authority and control with one of parental responsibility, while expressly prohibiting corporal punishment for children and adolescents. “The changes are pursuing a…

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