

Lack of Toilets Keeps Women Out of Politics

By Stella Paul MALLAMPETA, India, Jul 4 2014 (IPS) – Nine months after she was elected head of her village council, 36-year-old Krupa Shanti has overseen some significant changes in this rural outpost of Mallampeta, 570 km away from Hyderabad,…

Halt Violence Against Muslims and Christians in Sri Lanka… Now! — UN

Aiming to stem the tide of violent attacks and recrimination against Sri Lanka’s Muslim and Christian communities, a group of United Nations human rights experts on 2 July 2014 called on the Government to adopt urgent measures to stop the promotion of…

Some Myths about Muslims

By Nivedita Menon*, TRANSCEND Media Service – In the context of massive propaganda campaigns, the subtle use of stereotypes, and the fact that both the Western and the Indian media share certain basic biases, many people end up believing in a…

Computer passes the Turing Test

Alan Turing, 1912 –1954, was a British mathematician, logician cryptanalyst, compute scientist and philosopher. He was highly influential in the development of computer science, providing a formalisation of the concepts of “algorithm” and “computation” with the Turing machine, which can be…

The Migrants’ Files: Database of Death around the European Borders

They know their lives are at risk, yet each year thousands of people from Africa, the Middle East and beyond — war refugees, asylum seekers and economic migrants — leave their homes and try to reach the promised land of…

William Worthy & Vincent Harding: Thank You and Goodbye

By Amy Goodman with Denis Moynihan The world lost two remarkable men in May, two African Americans who helped shape modern history, yet whose names and achievements remain too little known. William Worthy, a journalist, died at the age of…

Sima Samar – Afghan women’s rights activist, gets award

Sima Samar is a recipient of Right Livelihood Award Foundation’s award. Sima Samar, born 3 February 1957, is a woman’s rights and human rights advocate, activist and a social worker on national and international forums. She served as Minister of Women’s…

Protecting Net Neutrality and the Open Internet

By Chris Riley Mozilla‘s official blog on open Internet policy initiatives and developments In January, the DC Circuit Court of Appeals struck down a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) order that prevented Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from blocking and discriminating against…

Cuba: to Host Regional Conference Against Homophobia

Havana, May 5 (Prensa Latina) The 6th Regional Conference of the International Gay, Lesbians, Bisexual, Transexual and Intersexuals Association in Latin America and the Caribbean (ILGALAC) will be in Cuba, and is an expression of the respect to the diversity…

Marichjhapi and the Revenge of Bengali Bhadralok

Exactly 30 years ago, Dalits, in West Bengal, came to realize the true nature of Indian state that is being dominated, in every sense, by a tiny section of population but at a great personal cost. It was in 1979,…

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