

How Sufism could balance Salafism

Followers of the history of Islam would be surprised at the transition from widespread Sufi Islam to widespread Salafist Islam. However, they are less surprised when they notice that the rise of religious extremism has coincided with a cognitive shift,…

Philippines: #StopTheDiscrimination!

Take Action: Urge Philippines Congress to #StopTheDiscrimination! 02/09/2015 The Issue For more than a decade, the Philippines Congress has delayed taking action on the enactment of a comprehensive anti-discrimination bill. Now, a broad coalition of Filipino activists is urging Congress…

Same-sex partnerships to be legalised in Greece

As part of the programme of radical change being ushered in by the new Syriza government in Greece, Justice Minister Nikolaos Paraskevopoulos, today announced plans to expand civil partnerships to same-sex couples. Such partnerships have been available to heterosexual couples…

Counter-demo dwarfs PEGIDA march in Austria

People in northern Austria have marched in thousands to counter a tiny group of PEGIDA supporters from holding Islamophobia rallies. Some 2,000 people gathered in the northern city of Linz on Sunday to counter a small PEGIDA rally which only…

#BlackLivesMatter looks to the future

Danny Katch listens to activists around the country to see where the discussion about what’s next for the movement is headed, and what that means for the struggle. February 4, 2015, New York – THE MURDER of Mike Brown on…

I’m always too late…

When I reach the point of putting pen to paper, i.e. to give shape to a point of view about something relevant, other events happen to occupy everyone’s attention. So today I’m going to get ahead of the game, going…

A ‘Barbershop’ Conference to Dispel Stereotypes, Promote Gender Equality

Human Wrongs Watch 15 January 2015 – Looking to promote change in how men and boys think and talk about women’s empowerment and gender equality, the United Nations is hosting at its New York Headquarters a two-day high-level “Barbershop” event,…

Today more than ever, nonviolence must triumph

I live in Paris, more precisely in Seine-Saint-Denis in an adjacent suburb (you may know this area which is often talked about, as it “burns” regularly) and like all here, since the massacre that took place in the premises of…

Je suis Charlie – but I have other names as well

Victor Grossman – Berlin Bulletin No. 82, January 9, 2015 (revised corrected version January 10) Monday evening I had planned to write about the PEGIDA movement in Germany. Although in Dresden, their city of origin, the number of bitter marchers…

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