

Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people

This is the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people as declared by the United Nations general assembly! But locally people see so little solidarity and Israel continues to violate basic human rights with impunity. By Mazin Qumsiyeh For the past week,…

Charter for a world without violence: violencia is foreseeable

Having finished the XV World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Barcelona, and given the level of violence and tension that the whole of humanity is experiencing these days, The charter for a world without violence presented by the Nobel…

Nobel peace laureates consider the role of women in democracy

With the title “Women advancing democracy” five Nobel Peace laureates took part in a panel at the World Summit of Nobel Laureates in Barcelona: Dr. Shirin Ebadi, Tawakkol Karman, Prof. Jody Williams, Mairead Corrigan Maguire, Betty Williams together with a…

الرد الإنساني ضد العنف

Arabic text of the campaign through social networks calling for peace and nonviolence: بعد الإعتداءات الإرهابية التي عانتها مدينة باريس الليلة السابقة وَأمام التدابير التي تعتزم أخذها حكومة فرنسا و الحكومات الأوربية و حكومات الحلف الأطلسي،نُشرت اليوم رسالة في جميع…

Henry Abramovitch – Interreligious Dialogue and Encounter

Henry Abramovitch – Interreligious Dialogue and Encounter by Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. An interview with Dr. Henry Abramovitch, Israeli anthropologist and president of the Israel Institute for Jungian Psychology. We asked him questions about interfaith dialogue and about how to…

UK LGBT Muslims receive hostility and support at launch of solidarity campaign

East London Muslims divided over accepting Muslims who are LGBT There was a mix of hostility and support from local Muslims when the LGBT-Muslim Solidarity campaign was launched with a street stall and pavement discussion in Tower Hamlets, East London,…

Vania Andre on Face 2 Face

This week show starts with Belaez, Colombian singer visiting New York and continue with Vania Andre to discuss the Dominican Republic’s discrimination against Haitians

Message to Jews who discriminate against Non-Jews in the name of Judaism

ProMosaik e.V. interviews Yehuda Stolov of Interfaith Encounter Association Our interview with Yehuda Stolov of the Interfaith Encounter Association. ProMosaik e.V. is convinced that interreligious dialogue and empathy can promote peace all over the world, and at the moment in…

Chile: “October 12th nothing to celebrate”

Dispatch from Santiago Chile from Humanist Party of Chile member Sergio: “October 12th nothing to celebrate” – with this forceful phrase, today at noon thousands of people, members of Mapuche communities in Santiago and others mainly native peoples and local…

Humanists call on MEPs to work for a culture of peace and nonviolence

Among the events taking place on the 2nd of October, the International Day of Nonviolence, was a March in Madrid which started at the Syrian Embassy and ended at the offices of the European Parliament. At the Syrian Embassy an…

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