

Neofascists start hate speech against the LGBTQ+ community in Crete

“We will put an end to this brothel”, say two candidates of the neo-fascist – not only in name but also in practice – Spartans party that recently entered the Greek Parliament. They were parliamentary candidates in Rethymnon and Chania.…

Valuing diversity or taking refuge in prejudices

Article 1 of the Constitution states that “people are born free and equal in dignity and rights”. Article 4 of the 2022 constitutional proposal stated that “People are born and remain free, interdependent and equal in dignity and rights”. Today,…

LEGO: Proselytising model to build

I will begin by anticipating misinterpretations or gossip. I defend and will defend the basic rights of all of us to freely choose our ideas, our faith, or our sexuality, which cannot be imposed from any moral, ideological, or religious…

A Pall of Hate Darkens Pride Month

The modern struggle for equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual people has been waged for over a century. Despite significant gains, the work is sadly far from over as Pride Month begins. Just as massive plumes of sun-dimming smoke…

Freedom in Diversity

Now is the time to reject the industrial agriculture model, a model that came from and behaves like war. Industrial agriculture is destroying life on Earth, destroying the role of women in food and farming, and destroying our health and…

Bangladesh’s Rich Tradition of Communal Harmony

In 1971, our forefathers fought against Pakistan and gave birth to Bangladesh. Through that liberation war, Bangladesh emerged as an ‘anti-thesis’ of Communal politics- practiced by the West Pakistan elites. Immediately after the liberation, Bangladesh based its constitution on nationalism,…

Seoul Celebrates 2023 World Cultural Diversity Day

The 2023 World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development was commemorated on 20 May 2023 at Rainbow Theater, Seoul Seongdong Youth Center in Seoul City, South Korea. It was organized by the Civil Society Organization, Africa Insight, in…

Put yourself in my shoes

Today, talking to two firemen while I was filling up my car with petrol, I brought up the subject of migrants and they both said that they were the country’s biggest problem, and one of them referred to migrants with…

Current family model in crisis

Today, 15 May, World Day of the Family, we would like to invite you to reflect on a more humane, broad and convergent proposal. The family, historically, has been part of a “social fabric” of support and containment. Community networks:…

Adapted and autonomous voting for blind people

One of the most important elements of the human being is his personal autonomy, to fend for himself, of course with the help of technology, because without it no human being could, for example, fly or sail, talk to someone…

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