

End Family Separation NYC Rally and March

Tens of thousands of protesters shuffled across the Brooklyn Bridge after more than 2,700 undocumented children have been separated from their parents when the zero-tolerance policy was put into effect by the Trump administration. The rally began at Foley Square in…

Face 2 Face with Rev Juan Carlos Ruiz

On this show we speak with Rev Juan Carlos Ruiz from the New Sanctuary Coalition of NYC. We discuss the rebirth of the Sanctuary Movement ​in response to growing discrimination​ and violence ​against our immigrant community ​through detention and deportation.…

Children as bargaining chips for dehumanization

The Latin American women who make up Convergence of Cultures* are outraged at the application of the U.S. law that criminalises immigrants and their families, and that criminalises immigrant mothers and children in particular. Finally, it criminalises the basic right…

Romania: a nightmare of human rights and the EU turns a blind eye

Eleven years after joining the European Union, Romania is trying to clean itself up, but poverty and corruption are still in control. Only Bulgaria, among EU member states, is below Romania on the poverty scale. Right in the centre of…

Trump Is Destroying Lives of Immigrants, the Way Hitler Destroyed Lives of Jews.

By Partha Banerjee Against any common decency, ethics, and morality, let alone due process and legal procedures, Trump and his administration is destroying lives of poor immigrants at the U.S.-Mexico borders, by separating children from their parents. This is unheard…

Study finds less corruption in countries where more women are in government

A recent report in Science Daily describes an inverse relationship between women’s participation in politics and corruption: “A greater representation of women in the government is bad news for corruption, according to a new study published in the Journal of…

We are history in the making

The video below shows the last leg of a long process, which this week culminated in the half-sanction of the decriminalisation of abortion in Argentina. The process was led and sustained tirelessly by thousands of women across the country. The…

Grenfell Tower: how Twitter users fought off fake news to honour Muslim heroes

Joseph Downing, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) and Richard Dron, University of Salford for The Conversation For those who were present in West London on June 14, 2017, it’s a day they will never forget. Residents awoke to…

The Case of Julian Assange

by Paul Craig Roberts, 10/06/2018. Here is the original post   Julian Assange is a journalist, not a spy. Because he published leaked material that proved the duplicity and criminality of the US Government, Washington has had him locked up…

An Indian initiative to fight gender discrimination: a nonviolence demonstration effect

The news form India about rape, murder-rape, abortion of female foetuses and killing of baby girls at birth have dominated the media with horror stories and western outrage. But there is much less about the efforts being made by different…

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