

A Day Without Migrants

By IOM – International Organization for Migration* How would a day without migrants look like? Contrary to what some may believe, migrants play a vital role in the global economy. Studies show that immigrants bring growth and innovation in both the countries they…

ICC Leaders Join in Global Initiative to Break Down Gender Barriers

By Robert Johnson THE HAGUE (IDN) – Top officials of the International Criminal Court (“ICC” or “the Court”) – President Chile Eboe-Osuji, Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda and Registrar Peter Lewis – have joined  the International Gender Champions network, an important initiative to break…

NATO: too many women?

Out of 29 NATO member states, 9 Defence Ministers are women: 9 to 20, almost 1 female minister every 2 male ministers. Statistical analysis demonstrates that this ratio is significantly greater than that recorded in all the other ministries of…

EU versus Tanzania: the cultural paradox

The official declaration by Federica Mogherini, head of the EU diplomacy, is known. The facts behind those statements are less clear. The interpretation probably most close to the factual reality is offered by Ansbert Ngurumo in Sauti Kubwa, Nov 2,…

US military, border police attack asylum seekers at US-Mexico border

By Eric London A combined force of the US military and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) pointed assault rifles and fired tear gas, rubber bullets and flash bang grenades at impoverished workers and their families on Sunday. The crowd, which…

Face 2 Face with Vera Parra

On this show we speak with Vera Parra, organizer with Movimiento Cosecha in New Jersey. Vera speaks about her immigration reform organizing and about working with organized labor to gain the leverage needed to pass legislation offering legalization to around…

Al Jazeera Exposes Israel-Backed Attacks on US Activists

Al Jazeera’s undercover film The Lobby – USA, censored by Qatar, has finally been published by The Electronic Intifada. Editor Ali Abunimah discusses the documentary’s explosive revelations, exposing Israel-backed attacks on US activists. Watch the documentary here. The Real News…

Only Jews Can Tell The Truth About Israel

Paul Craig Roberts, November 13, 2018   Imagine what would happen to Chomsky if he were a white gentile Chomsky Warns of the Rise of ‘Judeo-Nazi Tendencies’ in Israel November 12, 2018 “Information Clearing House” –   Prominent Jewish intellectual Noam…

Ecuadorian Journalists Confederation Forum focusing on migrants and the Caravan

Speech given by David Andersson on Friday November 9, 2018 at National-Spanish Benevolent Society First let me thank the Ecuadorian Journalists Confederation in New York for organizing this forum focusing on migrants and the Caravan. This issue of the caravan…

Three Muslims Elected to House of Representatives

By Abdus Sattar Ghazali Three Muslim candidates were elected to the House of Representatives in Tuesday’s election. Ilhan Omar won in Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District and Rashida Tlaib won in Michigan’s 13th Congressional District. They are the first Muslim women elected to the…

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