

77 Lashes for a Gay Couple in Indonesia

Troubling Trend of Anti-LGBT Actions Authorities in Indonesia’s Aceh province publicly flogged two gay men 77 times each on Thursday after a vigilante mob raided their apartment in November, allegedly caught them having sex, and handed them over to the…

Join Multiconvergence at the World Social Forum!

As we mentioned a few days ago, Multiconvergence of Global Networks will participate in the WSF 2021, carrying out activities on the 24th and 27th of January. We will explain below the two events, which will be held with simultaneous…

The World Social Forum and the advances of global citizens networks

In these virtual times, even the World Social Forum is being organized and will take place over the Internet from 23rd to 31st January 2021. The Multiconvergence of Global Networks (MRG) will be present with its own activities (Jan. 24th…

Experience a Parliament of Planetary Citizenship in 2021?

Several global networks in search of Multiconvergence met on 05.12.20 to discuss, under the coordination of Convivialism Transnational, the proposal to create a Parliament of Planetary Citizenship. Mobilized by the networks, about 60 people from different countries like Brazil (from…

For a moral global citizen Parliament

By Alain Caillé (The convivialists) Humanity is faced with a growing number of problems – health, environmental, economic, social, moral, etc. – and the need to address them is growing. – which appear increasingly difficult to analyze and solve. There…


On November 27 and 28, 2020, the Neurodiversity Network participated in the 5th Latin American Humanist Forum, within a total of 27 thematic networks. The synthesis of the Neurodiversity Network was presented to the Forum by Maximiliano Bravo, a sociologist,…

Spain’s official linguistic institution steps back from gender-neutral pronoun

The institution added and removed the pronoun from new portal The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), a cultural institution dedicated to the linguistic regulation of the Spanish-speaking world, inaugurated the “Observatory of Words” portal on October 27. The portal is a…

LGBTQ activist Sarah McBride becomes first transgender Senator in the USA

30-year-old Sarah McBride was elected to the state parliament of Delaware with a majority of 73 percent of the votes. The first transgender senator advocates a socially just health policy, paid sick leave and the rights of queer people. After…

Three Muslims elected to the US House of Representatives

by Abdus Sattar Ghazali Three Muslim candidates were re-elected to the House of Representatives in Tuesday’s election. Ilhan Omar won in Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District and Rashida Tlaib won in Michigan’s 13th Congressional District. They are the first Muslim women…

Mexican lawmakers approve same-sex marriage in the State of Puebla

The live congressional video had nearly 20K views On November 3, Puebla became the 19th Mexican state to recognize same-sex marriage in the country. 31 congresspeople out of 39 raised their hand to pass the legislation under the gaze of…

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