
Peace and Disarmament

GLOBAL ALERT: Canada, Sign the Nuclear Ban Treaty! Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day 77th Anniversary Commemoration

“Nuclear weapons exist as a tool of power, inequality, and destruction. They have no place in the lives of future generations.” Dr. Vinay Jindal, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Canada On Tuesday, August 9 at 7:00pm, the…

Negotiating Peace With Monsters

The two sides in the war in Ukraine have negotiated a deal to at least reduce the starvation in Africa and elsewhere that may result from the war, by agreeing to a means of exporting some grain. By David Swanson,…

Guide for Peace and Nonviolence is presented in the Amazon Museum

On Tuesday 26 July at 7 pm in the Patio of the Amazon Museum, the Universalist Humanist Pedagogical Current of Peru – COPEHU will present the Guide for Peace and Nonviolence, in coordination with the Office of Culture of Loreto…

No Nukes – for life and for planet: Tuesday August 2 Anti-Nuclear Protest at U.S. Mission to United Nations

40 years ago in 1982, one million people marched and rallied in NYC demanding an end to nuclear weapons and nuclear war and 1700 people were arrested during acts of nonviolent civil disobedience outside the UN missions of the 7…

6th AUGUST 2022 Nuclear Ban, Sow Peace, Let’s build the future together

On August 6, 1945, the nuclear bomb that destroyed the Japanese city of Hiroshima was dropped, on August 9 the disaster was repeated on Nagasaki. These dates will remain forever in human history as dark days, absolute evil that we…

Ukraine, the kitchen of dehumanisation

This photo of a fallen Russian soldier in Ukraine is part of a new culinary start up in Kiev. It is a cake. You can choose from the pictures of the “dead aggressors” the one you like the most and…

Expulsions that liberate

18 July 2022, El Espectador It is 6:12 p.m. on Saturday 16 July; I am walking along and I get the first message announcing news as petty as it is absurd: Humberto de la Calle – the only statesman we…

Drop all charges against Ruslan Kotsaba

In Ukraine, a trial against Ukrainian journalist, pacifist and conscientious objector Ruslan Kotsaba will be held on Tuesday 19 July 2022, simply because he publicly expressed his pacifist views. The International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), War Resisters’ International (WRI), the…

Ukrainian pacifist and objector Ruslan Kotsaba on trial again

In Ukraine, a trial against Ukrainian journalist, pacifist and conscientious objector Ruslan Kostaba will be held on Tuesday 19 July 2022, simply because he publicly expressed his pacifist views. The International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), War Resisters’ International (WRI), the…

US: Guns Have to Go

According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been 354 mass shootings in the US so far in 2022, and more than 24,000 people in this country have died as a result of gun violence (mass shootings, suicides, homicides, accidents,…

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