
Peace and Disarmament

“War is costing us the world”: last days of the campaign against military spending GDAMS 2023

The Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS 2023) are taking place this year under the slogan “War costs us the world” (see the Global Days of Action on Military Spending, May 9, 2023). The campaign will end on…

Ukraine Conflict: Chinese-proposed Peace Talks Could Begin By The End of 2023, Says Kissinger

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has told CBS News that the conflict in Ukraine may be approaching a turning point, and that Chinese-brokered peace talks could begin by the end of 2023. “Now that China has entered the…

Thou shalt not kill. Or how? – Occasional polemical remarks on the 5th commandment

“The masses are never bellicose unless they are poisoned by propaganda.” Albert Einstein “It is murder. They always kill the son of a mother.” Juergen Todenhoefer It’s a Christian commandment. And it seemed non-negotiable to me when I started thinking…

Ukraine, the Deepening Euro-Atlantic Crisis, and Common Security Possibilities

Governments alone will not deliver us peace, nuclear disarmament, or deeper international cooperation and unity. Those goals can only be achieved with pressure from below. By Joseph Gerson Editor’s note: The following is based on a speech—entitled “17th Strategy Conference of…

The first boat to protest nuclear weapons is back to inspire a new generation

65 years ago, the Golden Rule ignited protests that led to a partial ban on nuclear weapons testing. Now it’s back to fight for nothing short of abolition. By Arnie Alpert Fredy Champagne has been a peace activist ever since…

To End All Wars, Close All Bases

A Gazan Ph.D. candidate studying in India, Mohammad Abunahel steadily refines and updates a map on the World BEYOND War website, dedicating a portion of every day to continue researching the extent and impact of USA foreign bases.  What is Mohammad…

Mombasa Appeal for peace and prevention of Nuclear War

At our 23rd World Congress in Mombasa in April 2023, we, the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, discussed the risks and impending consequences of the current, crisis situation on our planet. The war in Ukraine bears enormous…

What can “the invisibles” do to make wars stop?

It is said that in a war everyone loses, but that is not true at all. There are those who make huge profits from the death and suffering of other human beings, of men, women and children like us. By…

Vietnam to Ukraine: Lessons for the US Peace Movement–Remembering Kent State and Jackson State!

MAY 4th Webinar Vietnam to Ukraine: Lessons for the US Peace Movement Remembering Kent State and Jackson State! Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report David Swanson, World BEYOND War And Haig Hovaness, GPAX’s Tribute to Daniel Ellsberg. Cosponsors: Green Party Peace…

25A – The Carnation Revolution – The end of fascism and Portuguese colonialism

On 25 April 1974, a revolutionary movement within the Armed Forces of Portugal staged an uprising against the decrepit regime of the Estado Novo, opening the way to democracy and marking the beginning of the end of the wars of…

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