
Peace and Disarmament

3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence presented in Malaga, Spain

On October 2nd, International Day of Nonviolence, the 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence was presented at the Economic Society of Friends of the Country in the city of Malaga. This event took place hours after the organisation World…

Nobel Committee Doesn’t Even Pretend the Peace Prize Is About Peace

The Nobel Committee has yet again awarded a peace prize that violates the will of Alfred Nobel and the purpose for which the prize was created, selecting a recipient who blatantly is not “the person who has done the most or best…

Yurii Sheliazhenko’s appeal postponed again, the pacifist remains under house arrest

On October 3, the hearing was held in Kiev on the appeal presented by Yurii Sheliazhenko against the house arrest measure according to what was reported by the international working group that is following the case of the President of…

Eleven activists Arrested in Senator Bernie Sanders’ Office Demanding Diplomacy Instead of Funding More War in Ukraine

A group of 50 activists and Vermont constituents staged a sit-in inside Senator Bernie Sanders’ office on Wednesday, demanding the senator to call for peace and diplomacy in Ukraine instead of more weapons and war. The sit-in resulted in the…

Presentation of the 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence in Spanish Congress

On the International Day of Nonviolence, October 2nd, the 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence will be officially presented in the Spanish Congress of Deputies in Madrid, which will debut in San José, Costa Rica, on the same date…

On nuclear weapons on the world day of nonviolence

October 2nd marks the World Day of Nonviolence, the anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian Independence movement. For Gandhi, it was a question of not submitting to the subjugation that led to the suffering…

Okinawa: A Bastion for Peace?

Recently, in Taiwan, the government unveiled its first home-built submarine. In Japan, the government will upgrade civilian airports and seaports to dual military use in preparation for conflict in Taiwan. The U.S. and allies maneuver to contain China, Russia, and…

Nonviolent October begins in Ecuador

12 years ago, a group of humanists in Quito, Ecuador articulated as Espacio No Violento (Nonviolent Space) took the decision to convene organisations to make visible the nonviolent initiatives they had been implementing; thus, a first public, open and inclusive…

France attempts to pressure Australia to stop engaging with UN nuclear weapons ban treaty

Recent statements by a French diplomat to “the Australian” newspaper criticizing Australia’s decision to observe the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) reveal the panicked efforts by nuclear-armed states to undermine the treaty as support for the…

#NoWar2023 Debate: Is War in Ukraine Justified?

David Swanson argued that Russia and Ukraine both had options better than war during World BEYOND War’s annual global conference, #NoWar2023: Nonviolent Resistance to Militarism. The most disastrous belief, I think, is the one that holds that both Russia and…

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