
Peace and Disarmament

Love peace and truth. Perspective on the Israeli- Palestinian hell

Thousands of deaths, again and again, how many more will we need? The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has become a real equation impossible for humankind to resolve. Yet we are not supposed to have been lacking in spirit, reason, and common sense…

Palestine and Ukraine: Peace is Possible

The Brandenburg Gate and the White House are laser-painted in Israeli blue-and-white colours. They used to harbour the Ukrainian blue-and-yellow colours. In both cases, Western governments pledge unlimited support and declare the recent attacks on Israel, as earlier on Ukraine,…

Why be there in the Third World March for Peace and Nonviolence

On October 2nd, the third edition of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence was presented both at the Congress of Deputies of Spain and at the legislative assembly of Costa Rica. We could say [it is] a handover. The…


I am woken by the wail of a siren, followed by a couple of explosions, which I later learn are interceptor rocket attack missiles fired by the Palestinian group Hamas from Gaza. Later, my host in Tel Aviv appears, commenting…

2 October: 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence officially launched in the Spanish Congress of Deputies

The 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence was officially presented at the Congress of Deputies of Spain in Madrid on 2 October, International Day of Nonviolence, in the magnificent Ernest Lluch hall. The event had a total attendance of…

Israel-Gaza, Amnesty International: “Civilians pay the price of an unprecedented crisis”

Amnesty International urged the Israeli military and Palestinian armed groups to make every effort to protect civilian lives. “We are deeply concerned by the number of civilians killed in Gaza, Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories and call on all…

Hamas’ Brutal Attack Could Have Been Avoided

I certainly join the voices of many leaders who condemned Hamas’ attack in the strongest terms. That said, I am not as surprised as many that this attack in fact has taken place and claimed the lives of so many…

War, Day 3

The streets of Tel Aviv remain empty, and stores are closed except for a few selling food… schools are suspended, the country remains in a state of emergency and under a declaration of war! There is disbelief among journalists and…

Hamas: You Are Giving Weapons to Your Enemy and Disarming Your Friends

The most important aspect of violence is not the act itself but its consequences. Dear Hamas: the bombing on Saturday makes it impossible for most of your friends to support your actions. The logic of “revenge justifies violence” only makes…

Foreign Policy for Children

Many years ago, it occurred to me to try teaching foreign policy in preschool. In a typical preschool, anywhere on Earth, when children have disputes, there can be pushing, shoving, crying, screaming, and all sorts of unpleasantness. The teacher cannot…

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