
Peace and Disarmament

International hybrid meeting of Pressenza editorial offices in Athens

On November 18 and 19, [2023], an international meeting of Pressenza news agency editorial representatives from the different regions of our planet took place in Athens. It was a mixed meeting, attended by many representatives from Asia, Europe, North and…

Former NATO’s Supreme Commander sees no future for Ukraine but land-for-peace deal

James Stavridis, former  NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe, writing for Bloomberg, argues that Washington should learn from “the lessons of South Korea” and negotiate a “land for peace conclusion to combat” in Ukraine. Commenting on his recent visit to Seoul in…

War Is Not a Game – Vigil 11/19 in Old Bethpage

Rally along Veterans For Peace, Long Island Chapter, on Sunday, November 19th, from 1:00pm-2:30pm, to stand in front of the Museum of American Armor in Old Bethpage to show our outrage over supporting and sponsoring an event there that glorifies war.…

There Is No Right Side in War

Many of us have called wars like those on Iraq and Afghanistan by the name “wars” or sometimes the name “occupation,” but the current war on Gaza by the name “genocide.” They’ve all been extremely one-sided slaughters of mostly civilians…

Nonviolent Activists Shutdown General Dynamics, Nuclear Submarine Facility in New London, CT

New London resident Jackie Allen-Doucot was among nine peace activists arrested and charged with criminal trespass this morning during a blockade of entrances to the Engineering Complex of General Dynamics/Electric Boat where nuclear submarines are designed. Holding long banners spanning…

Attack on Pressenza, Mazzeo: Are we on proscription lists?

“I express solidarity with the friends of Pressenza,” began peace activist Antonio Mazzeo, amid astonishment, commenting on the news of the attack on Pressenza by the U.S. State Department. “Pressenza is a newspaper that, over the years, has attempted to…

The World Needs an Armistice Day

Remarks on November 11, 2023, at Veterans For Peace event in Iowa City, Iowa   Ukraine needs an armistice. Palestine needs an armistice. Nagorno-Karabakh needs an armistice. Syria, Sudan, Nigeria, and so many countries need an armistice. The U.S. public…

Ella Keidar, young Israeli conscientious objector: “Despite this horrible situation there is still hope”

Mesravot is a network of activists and refusenik (conscientious objectors who refuse to serve in the Israeli army because of its occupation policies). We talk with one of its activists, Ella Keidar, 17 years old, who lives in Tel Aviv.…

Denunciation to the International Criminal Court for genocide and other crimes (art. 15.1)

The unacceptable must be fought by all means On 9 November [2023] at 11 am in The Hague, a denunciation for genocide and other crimes (art.15.1) concerning Palestine in particular will be presented to the International Criminal Court. The underlying…

A joint Jewish-Arab declaration for peace

We – movements, organizations and activists, Jews and Arabs – write these words out of heavy mourning for the thousands of people killed in recent weeks, and out of terrible anxiety for the safety of the abducted and those who…

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