
Peace and Disarmament

Reality and Utopia

Every time that someone talks about the madness of military spending and calls for its reduction there is always someone who leaps to its defence invoking international commitments, the reality that “unfortunately” requires the use of war and other similar…

Latin American and Caribbean leaders to push for complete nuclear disarmament at UN Summit

Santiago de Chile, January 28th 2013 – Mayors for Peace welcomes the renewed commitment of the 33 Heads of State of Latin America and the Caribbean to work towards a world free of nuclear weapons. The leaders reaffirmed the priority…

Munich: the 11th holding of the International Peace Conference

By Ricardo Arias With the slogan “Building Peace and Justice, say NO to war” the International Peace Conference took place in Munich, Germany between the 1st and 3rd of February 2013. The context: the logic of peace or the logic…

Mali: Neo-Colonialism Meets Islamic Fundamentalism… And the People Suffer

by Bill Fletcher, Jr., Black Commentator – TRANSCEND Media Service Neocolonialism and the civil war in Mali bring regional instability. The entrance of the French military into the Malian civil war further complicates a descent into hell which that country…

Preparing to Fight Off Doomsday

By Jacques Couvas The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) has adopted a new strategy to involve citizens and politicians more actively to push for a global ban on nuclear weapons. The strategy was emphasised at an ICAN conference…

Kenya: UN official stresses need for peaceful and transparent elections

The United Nations political chief today stressed the need for all Kenyans and their institutions to ensure the upcoming general elections in March are credible, peaceful and transparent. “Kenya’s elections will be watched closely around the world,” Under-Secretary-General for Political…

Mali: Senior UN Genocide Official Warns of Reprisals against Tuareg and Arabs

A senior United Nations official warned of the risk of reprisal attacks against Tuareg and Arab civilians in various regions of northern Mali and urged the country’s military to protect all citizens regardless of their ethnic affiliation. “While the liberation…

Syrian International Conference: Geneva Declaration

The “Syrian International Conference For A Democratic Syria and A Civilian State” will take place in Geneva, on Monday and Tuesday, 28th and 29th January, 2013. The Conference aims to promote and encourage a real dialogue between the Syrian democratic…

USA: End the Nuclear Lobby

We must stop investing in our extinction! For decades the peace movement has been satisfied with scraps from the table of nuclear weapons and their beneficiaries. Even the New START Treaty was offset by the Obama administration promise to spend…

The First Step toward Nuclear Free Scotland

Scottish Independence Referendum in 2014 Interview with Bill Kidd, MSP, Scottish National Party, Co-president of PNND[i],  By Maria Kim, of Peace Depot.  The article first appeared in Nuclear Weapon & Nuclear Test Monitor. I was a very young child when…

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