
Peace and Disarmament

Obama – Nobel Peace Prize 2009: “We will maintain the best military the world has ever known”

Being the President of the USA can’t be an easy job; being a president from an ethnic minority, someone from a community that has a long experience of poverty, violence and discrimination, must be even harder.  On one hand in…

Getting to know us: A memo to U.S. adversaries

One of the first things you need to know about the U.S. is how difficult it is for us to tolerate ambiguity—especially when untangling our own motives. An example was our second invasion of Iraq. After 9/11 we felt an…

North Korea 3 vs USA 1,054 nuclear tests

North Korea (DPRK) has conducted three explosive nuclear tests, compared to the United States’ 1,054! That North Korea is continuing with its nuclear weapons programme, which is clearly and understandably denounced by the UN, meaning by all the nations undersigning…

North Korean nuclear test raises concerns on humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons

The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) strongly condemns the nuclear weapon test carried out today by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), raising concerns that it brings the potential use of nuclear weapons closer. “As the existing…

Unspeakable suffering: the devastating impact of nuclear weapons

Unspeakable Suffering – The Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons, a study released today by ICAN partner organization Reaching Critical Will (RCW) of Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, provides an up-to-date and disturbing look at the evidence of the catastrophic…

Pentagon study questions efficiency of US missile system in Europe

Secret Pentagon studies have cast serious doubt on the effectiveness of the US-planned multi-billion-dollar missile system in Europe, congressional investigators say. The classified studies by the Missile Defense Agency were summarized in a briefing for lawmakers by the Government Accountability…

London conference decries western governments warmongering

British anti-war campaigners have condemned western warmongering policies around the globe in an international conference on the 10th year of the “biggest demonstration in history” against the US-led invasion of Iraq. The one-day conference, called by the Stop the War…

The position of World without Wars in front of any armed conflict

The last two years of armed conflict in Northern Africa and the Middle East that has filled the world’s news channels have caused World without Wars and Violence to elaborate several statements which we have published through our website and…

UK: International conference to mark 10 years since largest demonstration in history against the Iraq War

Hundreds will be gathering for the biggest anti-war conference in years tomorrow (February 9th) in London at Friends Meeting House, London, to mark the ten year anniversary of the global protests against the Iraq War. The demonstrations formed the biggest…

Back to the Future With Eyes Wide Shut

By R. S. Kalha* Just before he was overthrown, former Libyan ruler Gaddafi warned the West that his ouster would result in chaos and holy war overtaking North Africa. His forebodings, now so accurate, were at that point in time…

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