
Peace and Disarmament

Judge Upholds “Aiding the Enemy” Charge Against Bradley Manning

The military judge presiding over the court-martial of U.S. Army Private Bradley Manning has upheld the most serious charge against him — that he knowingly aided the enemy by giving hundreds of thousands of classified documents to WikiLeaks. Manning’s defense team had…

Bradley Manning Defense Argues for Dismissal of Charges

Defense lawyers for U.S. Army whistleblower Bradley Manning argued Monday that seven of the charges against him should be thrown out, including the charge of aiding the enemy, which could carry a life sentence. Colonel Denise Lind, who is presiding…

Swedish Professor Nominates Snowden for Nobel Peace Prize

National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. In a letter to the prize committee, Swedish sociology professor Stefan Svallfors cites Snowden’s “heroic effort at great personal cost,” saying he has “helped to make…

Bradley Manning Defense Rests with Challenge to “Aiding the Enemy” Claims

Defense attorneys for Army whistleblower Bradley Manning have rested their case after calling three witnesses over 10 days. The defense’s final witness, Harvard Law Professor Yochai Benkler, warned that finding Manning guilty of “aiding the enemy” for handing material to…

“Peace Is” 5th International Photo Contest

The 5th International Photo Contest “Peace Is” speaks 4 languages: English, Greek, French and Spanish!!! The website of the contest is now updated and you can find information in all the above languages. So you are all welcome to entry…

Japan’s Election – International Petition Asks Prime Minister Abe not to Amend Japan’s Peace Constitution

Japan will hold elections of the Upper House of the Diet on 21 July 2013. Several parties, notably Prime Minister Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party, have made constitutional revision a priority. If they obtain a majority – and they are in…

Bradley Manning Prosecution Draws to a Close

U.S. government prosecutors have begun wrapping up their case against Army whistleblower Bradley Manning as his court-martial entered its fifth week at Fort Meade, Maryland. On Monday, prosecutors sought to firm up claims Manning “aided the enemy” by knowingly and…

Peace is…

“World Without Wars and Violence” organizes for the fifth consecutive year the international photography contest “Peace Is” from May 1. The competition theme for 2013 is “children’s rights”. The competition and the exhibitions that will follow, are under the auspices…

Afghanistan: the prerequisite for peace is the complete withdrawal of all foreign troops

Pressenza publishes here a report prepared by members of a team of German peace activists who recently travelled to Afghanistan to see for themselves to situation for the people in Kabul.  The report is long but well worth reading.  In…

USA: Imagine if we were number one

No, not number one in military spending (which we are). Not number one in incarceration rates (which we are as well). What if, instead of these things, the U.S. became hyper-focused on becoming the most peaceful nation on earth? The…

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