
Peace and Disarmament

Peace Movements’ Common Vision: The Abolition of Militarism

By Mairead Maguire*, Nobel Peace Laureate, TRANSCEND   Keynote address at Sarajevo Peace Event We are all aware that this is the 100th anniversary of the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo which led to the start of the First World War…

Renaming of Aeroporto La Torre, Comiso

They have all of them reached the airport by now in a swarm of bodyguards. Pietro Grasso, Chairman of the Italian Senate,  a nice stocky typically sicilian man. Orlando, the Minister of Justice, Filippo Spataro, the Mayor of Comiso, bravely…

Obama: Congress “Should Be Ashamed” of Inaction on Gun Control

Speaking at the White House, President Obama urged a national “soul searching” on gun control. He also called congressional inaction a source of “shame.” President Obama: “It’s not the only country that has psychosis, and yet we kill each other…

Victims Welcome Invitation to Colombian Peace Process

Bogota, Jun 8 (Prensa Latina) Victims of the armed conflict in the Colombian departments of Caldas and Quindio welcomed the decision of the government and the FARC-EP to give them direct participation in the peace talks. According to reports from…

Finally the Comiso Airport will be renamed after Pio La Torre

by Francesca Piatti “I am overwhelmed with emotion on learning that the Airport of Comiso will be given the name of Pio La Torre once again, that of the mafia-killed Union Leader and Italian Parlamentarian, whose strong and brave contribution…

A Common Vision – The Abolition of Militarism

By Mairead Maguire JUNE 6 – In this column, Mairead Maguire, peace activist from Northern Ireland and Nobel Peace Laureate 1976, argues that exactly 100 years after the start of the First World War, now is the time for a…

Politics, where are you now? Europe, where are you going?

In these last few days we have heard (and published on Pressenza) a number of points of view formulated around the results of the European elections: Here we shall endeavour to make a further analysis, bearing in mind some of…

Japan: legitimate self-defence or militarism?

Japan’s prime minister is attempting to revise constitutional pacifism to allow for strengthening of armed forces. Dear all, Below please find the link to an opinion piece, just published on Al Jazeera, that I co-authored with my colleague Celine Nahory in…

Adonis, a voice carried by the Syrian winds….

This translator and writer, known as Adonis,  is “one of the greatest living Arab poets”, and was born on January 1, 1930 at Qassabine in Syria. His family was a humble one; however, when he was only seventeen, he published…

Japan in danger to lose its constitutional article for the rejection of war

After the horrors of World War II Japan installed article 9 in its constitution which generally renounces war as a means of conflict resolution and this way forbade the building up of an army. In fact Japan possesses so called…

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