
Peace and Disarmament

10,000 protest in Tel Aviv for a just peace, end to occupation

“Under a coalition of Israeli left-wing political parties and organizations, thousands gathered in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square in the largest anti-war demonstration since the outbreak of violence in Gaza. Some 10,000 Israelis flooded Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square under the slogan…

USA blocking Chinese-Russian ban on weapons in space

US CONTINUES TO BLOCK CHINESE-RUSSIAN PROPOSAL TO NEGOTIATE TREATY TO BAN WEAPONS IN SPACE By Alice Slater, who is an activist with ABOLITION 2000, a network of over 2000 organizations in more than 90 countries worldwide working for a global…

Vigil for Peace in Gaza and Israel In the spirit of Japanese o-bon

August 15 in Japanese calendar is o-bon, a day dedicated to honoring deceased loved ones. By doing so, it also gives an opportunity for the living to reflect on our lives that were given by our ancestors and renew a…

Vigil for Peace in Gaza and Israel

NYC August 15 – In front of Gandhi statue in Union Square, a vigil was held to ask for a nonviolent solution to end the conflict in Gaza and Israel, followed by a ceremony for people to send their best…

Tranquility in Second Day of Truce in Gaza

Ramallah, Aug 12.- In peace and hope woke today the residents of the Gaza Strip in a second day of truce used to find food, water and personal belongings still in rubble. Life returned to normal, witnesses said on Tuesday,…

It’s doable: Peace Israel-Palestine in Hebrew

Translated from the English version by Shani Manor

An Open Letter to My Palestinian Friends

By Robert J. Burrowes*.- As my heart bleeds for those of you suffering in Gaza and elsewhere in Palestine, I want to add my voice to those who are encouraging you to consider revising your strategy of resistance to Israeli…

Jews & Arabs Refuse To Be Enemies

New York, 08/11/2014 The social group #JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies got together today outside of the United Nations for a silent protest to hold the leaders of the world, the professionals who promised peace and security, accountable for their failures and in the…

Noam Chomsky on Media’s “Shameful Moment” in Gaza & How a U.S. Shift Could End the Occupation

As a new 72-hour ceasefire takes hold in Gaza, we turn to part two of our interview with world-renowned dissident and linguist, MIT Professor Noam Chomsky. Criticizing U.S. media coverage of the Israeli assault on Gaza, Chomsky says: “It’s a…

World without Wars calls on world governments to put into effect a “Uniting for Peace Resolution (377)” at the UN General Assembly

World without Wars and Violence, Humanist Organisation Press Release Every Israeli and every Palestinian is a sacred being. The recent ceasefire attempted to bring an end to four weeks of fighting that killed nearly 1,900 Palestinians, mostly civilians. Sixty-four Israeli…

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