
Peace and Disarmament

Czechs object to US military show of strength: “Tanks? No, thanks!”

Czech anti-war campaigners have launched a new campaign to focus opposition to the proposed procession of US military equipment through the country having completed military exercises in the Baltic as part of “Operation Atlantic Resolve”. The US is building up…

Libya ‘Cannot Wait’ for Solution, UN Special Envoy

Human Wrongs Watch Meetings in Morocco arranged by the United Nations that brought together participants in the Libyan political dialogue have concluded on 13 March 2015, having covered substantive and procedural issues on the way forward. The UN Support Mission…

Arms Dealers on Trial

By Mel Strickland for Occupy London An Occupier’s Perspective Sometimes the tools of oppression are literal, and they are for sale at the Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEI) arms fair In September 2013 a group of activists took part…

NO NUKES DAY – Unified Action Against Nuclear Power! Remember Fukushima & Halt Restarts!

Photos by Yoko Narita Version in Japanese This Wednesday, March 11th marks the 4th anniversary of the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. Over the weekend, prior to its anniversary, many memorial services and public…

ICAN and Abolition 2000 up for Nobel Peace Prize

The International Campaign to Abolition Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), working for a treaty to ban nuclear weapons – just as chemical and biological weapons have been banned – has been selected for review as a potential contender for the next Nobel…

March for Human Dignity from the Brooklyn Bridge, NYC

With a great spirit of reconciliation, hundreds marched in support of human life. The march was initiated  by Antanas Mockus in Bogota , Colombia and simultaneously in over 50 cities around the world. The March for Life calls to stop violence, the lost of lives in Colombia…

Moratorium on any new nuclear arms spending

If the US really want “arms control” we should disband NATO, take our missiles out of Poland, Romania and Turkey (Turkey for the second time, since JFK took them out of Turkey once before in a deal for the USSR…

Push Back the Doomsday Clock!

Human Wrongs Watch By James Albertini*, 3 March 2015 – TRANSCEND Media Service We Are All Down Winders! March 1st is known as “Nuclear-Free & Independent Pacific Day.” It commemorates the tragic 15 megaton U.S. nuclear bomb test, code named Bravo,…

Sonia Ines Goéz Orrego on a speaking tour in the U.S. to share her experience building peace in Colombia

New York, March 02 2015 – The presentation was organized by Colombia Human Rights Committee & Latin America Working Group Education Fund at The Graduate Center, CUNY in NYC Sonia Ines Goéz Orrego is the executive director of CEDECIS, a…

Middle East: Destroying history

The kingdom of “Saudi Arabia” is going to behead a man for “apostacy” (renouncing his belief in Islam and the Quran) while welcoming Egyptian Al-Sisi whose security forces are torturing people to death in Egypt for being supportive of an…

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