
Peace and Disarmament

Korea – call for a Political Peace Conference

“On May 19th, after traveling thousands of miles to reach North Korea, our international group of women arrived in Pyongyang in preparation for our walk on Sunday across the Demilitarized Zone into South Korea. This group is passionate and diverse,…

NPT Review Conference – Giving them short shrift

Eighty percent of the United Nations membership is trying to be heard. The 2015 NPT Review Conference did not heed their call. Nine nations have developed nuclear weapons, 16,000 warheads all told. It would be naive to believe nothing could ever go…

Ann Wright: where your conscience can take you – North Korea

Following my conscience to challenge US policies began with my resignation as a US diplomat in 2003 in opposition to the Bush war on Iraq. Before working as a diplomat I was a US Army Reserve Colonel. Over the past…

P5 at Nuclear conference: “The sun revolves around the Earth!”

Last Friday saw the predictable failure of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty review conference to reach any consensus on disarmament measures.  The refusal of Israel to admit to the existence of their nuclear arsenal and to take part in a conference…

107 states commit to ban nuclear weapons

As the 2015 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference ended, over 100 governments have committed to work for the prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons by endorsing the “Humanitarian Pledge”. While the United States and the United Kingdom declared failure…

2015 NPT Review Conference outcome is the Humanitarian Pledge

As the four weeks of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty review conference wraps up in New York without an outcome document being adopted, while the USA blames Egypt for the failure by insisting on moves towards a Middle East free of…

US tests nuclear missile as nations fail to find consensus on disarmament

With the NPT Conference wrapping up and struggling to find consensus, the timing of this missile test sends a very wrong message The US is set to launch a Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile from Vandenberg Air Force Base in…

Korea-UN: Political peace conference needed

UNITED NATIONS: POLITICAL PEACE CONFERENCE NEEDED! Please sign our petition: Dear United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, On this 70th anniversary of Korea’s division, we urge the United Nations to broker a Political Peace Conference, as called for in Article…

UK Trident system is “so broken it can’t even do the tests that prove it works”, says whistleblower

Engineering failures on Trident submarine place crew at risk and raise doubts over whether missiles could actually be launched, says whistleblower This article comes from the Nuclear Information Service website. A Royal Navy whistleblower has exposed a shocking catalogue of…

ICAN campaign, NPT, and the humanitarian initiative

Dear Friends, [Alice Slater writes] There’s no doubt that the ICAN campaign and the humanitarian initiative which started in Norway, and then went on to Mexico and Austria has shaken things up at the NPT.   There’s a new impatience with…

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