
Peace and Disarmament

ICAN campaign, NPT, and the humanitarian initiative

Dear Friends, [Alice Slater writes] There’s no doubt that the ICAN campaign and the humanitarian initiative which started in Norway, and then went on to Mexico and Austria has shaken things up at the NPT.   There’s a new impatience with…

What’s that on the horizon? It’s a treaty to ban nuclear weapons!

Next week in New York is the fourth and final week of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty review conference: the five-yearly circus of meetings comes to its conclusion with absolutely no progress in sight on the key issue of weapon disarmament.…

US policies belie claims of NPT article VI compliance

The story being presented by the US delegation to this NPT Review Conference that gradual nuclear disarmament is underway is an egregious falsehood. The reality of US policy is exactly the opposite. By Greg Mello of the Los Alamos Study…

Ban nuclear weapons, reject massive nuclear violence

Throughout the four weeks of the nuclear non-proliferation review conference at the UN in New York, the campaign group “Reaching Critical Will” of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom produces a daily newsletter.  Pressenza reproduces this editorial with…

Bangsamoro Basic Law needed for Mindanao

Caloocan City Representative Edgar Erice said that Congress owes it to our fellow Filipinos in Mindanao to pass the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL). “Basta tayo sa Kongreso gawin natin yung trabaho natin, ibigay natin yung para sa mga kababayan nating Muslim (For us in Congress, let’s do our job and give our Muslim countrymen what they deserve),” Erice said during a forum on the…

Transform Now Plowshares activists freed

Sixth circuit orders immediate release of Michael, Megan and Greg In an amazing turn of events, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals this evening ordered the immediate release of Megan Rice, Michael Walli and Greg Boertje-Obed, the Transform Now Plowshares activists…

Burundi – Plan a genuine humanitarian intervention now

When I put things together in the early morning of May 15  – mainstream media reports, Twitter, Facebook and info from Burundi and my 13 years of experience – Chapter One of the Burundi crisis is over. Another very bleak…

Presentation of the Colombian Peace Process at the London School of Economics

Professor Michael Cox, director of IDEAS at the London School of Economics introduced on May 12th Mr Sergio Jaramillo Caro, key negotiator in the Colombian Peace Process between the Government and the FARC guerrillas taking place in Havana, to an…

NPT review conference: A document or not?

By Susi Snyder* Looking at this NPT review conference, one of the big questions is whether there will be a [final outcome] document, or not. At this point, it’s what everyone is talking about – in the halls, in the…

Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula?

By Gunnar Westberg, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Can Korea be reunited after almost 70 years of complete division between North and South? This is the dream of many in the older generation in both parts of…

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