
Peace and Disarmament

Peace talks advance in Cyprus

Cyprus has been an island divided ever since 1974 when an attempted Greek-inspired coup d’état led the Turkish government to send forces to protect their community in the north. Ever since then there has been conflict and a UN security…

On Gaza War anniversary, UK protesters to shut down Israeli drone factory near Birmingham

A Staffordshire arms factory making engines for drones exported to Israel will be shut down by protesters on Monday 6 July, to mark the one year anniversary of Israel’s 2014 attack on Gaza. Hundreds of Palestine solidarity campaigners are expected…

You don’t kill people!

The phrase, “you don’t kill people,” Silo said to us once in an informal dinner, when the conversation was about the atrocities caused by military dictatorships in South America and in the hypothetical case that someone could meet an ex-torturer…

Lift now Israel’s illegal naval blockade of Gaza’s sea waters and port

Israeli occupied forces intercepted Marianne. The boat is currently en route to Ashdod port #SOSFreedomFlotilla Dear Brothers and Sisters, Here I am bothering you once again.  But the below string of messages are very, very important.  I ask that you…

Hunger strikers mark nuclear anniversary in August

70 years after Hiroshima, we demand nuclear disarmament! We are groups of fasters who have decided to deny ourselves nourishment for 4 days, from August 6th, the anniversary of Hiroshima, till August 9th, the anniversary of Nagasaki, to express our…

Mass protest in Tokyo against the Abe administration: No to New Security Bills

In the evening of June 24, 30,000 protesters from cities across Japan gathered to the finale of a week-long sit-in at National Diet Building. The event banner read, “Stop to the change in national security bills! Come together! 6.24 Occupy…

Sit-in against a proposal of constitutional change for Japan to participate in wars

A week long sit-in in front of National Diet Building in Tokyo ~ Against a proposal of constitutional change for Japan to participate in wars Many people from different cities in Japan, big and small, representing labor unions, teachers unions…

From landmines to nuclear weapons: the humanitarian approach to disarmament and the role of digital media

Hosted by Pressenza within the Global Media Forum organized by Deutsche Welle in Bonn Governments without nuclear weapons and civil society organizations have been changing their approach to disarmament and focusing on the humanitarian impacts of such weapons. This tactic…

Strong resolution in support of Mayors for Peace adopted                                                            www.2020visioncampaign,org For immediate release: June 22, 2015 Contact: Jackie Cabasso, Mayors for Peace North American Coordinator (510) 306-0119  U.S. Conference of Mayors Unanimously Adopts Resolution “Calling for Effective Implementation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Disarmament Obligation and Redirection…

Trident whistleblower William McNeilly ‘sacked to save the Navy’s image’

William McNeilly, the Royal Navy whistleblower who exposed security and safety flaws in  Britain’s nuclear-armed submarines, has left the Navy and will not face court martial or any further punishment for his actions. In a new nine-page report published online,…

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